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[BP] Web page updated and Monday evening break-out session

IEEE P802.3ap Task Force Members,


The web page has been updated with all of the presentations that I have received to date.  I will be doing the final updates tomorrow morning.


Also, I was hoping the group would consider a break-out session after we break on Monday to draft proposed responses to comments against auto-negotiation and management.  Only those who are interested need attend as the proposed responses will be presented to larger group for approval.  I will take a poll as part of the opening business on Monday morning to see who wishes to participate.  The first part of this session will be dedicated to resolving management register conflicts that we encountered with 802.3an and 802.3aq.


An alternative would be to have the break-out session Monday afternoon, although this obviously overlaps with the presentation schedule.  This is a possibility so long as there is no significant overlap in interest, and I will also be polling for this Monday morning.


Thank you,
