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[BP] March 2, 2005 Channel Model Ad Hoc Teleconference: Reminder and Dial-In Information

IEEE P802.3ap Task Force Members,
Please find the dial-in information for the March 2 (10AM PST, 1PM EST) Channel Model Ad Hoc meeting below.
Toll-free:  866-680-0146
(International:  646-441-1007)
Participant Code:  841919
Please remember to "mute" your line when not speaking (please DO NOT use "hold",  as we are not interested in your hold-music) .
#01 toggles "listen" mode (mute) and "talk" mode (unmute) if your phone is not equipped with mute.
The conference call is scheduled for 2 hours.  Hopefully we will keep it to less.
The agenda for this meeting is to follow up on discussions from the February 23 teleconference.  The main topics will be extrapolation of frequency-domain data to DC, transmitter and receiver return loss effects on channel behavior, and crosstalk.
If you would like to see additional business addressed during the call, please send me a request.
Presentation materials will be posted to the channel model ad hoc page in time for the meeting.
Thank you,
Adam Healey
Chair, IEEE P802.3ap Task Force