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Re: [BP] Channel Model Ad Hoc Information

In light of recent e-mails that I have received, I wanted to ensure that one point was perfectly clear.  I will continue in my role as IEEE P802.3ap Task Force Chair and I will continue a high level of participation in the administrative and technical activities of the Task Force.


The announcement in the e-mail below is that Charles Moore has been appointed to lead the Channel Model Ad Hoc, which is an informal sub-group of the IEEE P802.3ap Task Force.


Thank you,


Adam Healey

Chair, IEEE P802.3ap Task Force




-----Original Message-----
From: owner-stds-802-3-blade@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG [mailto:owner-stds-802-3-blade@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG] On Behalf Of Healey, Adam B (Adam)
Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:24 PM
Subject: [BP] Channel Model Ad Hoc Information


IEEE P802.3ap Task Force Members,


As discussed at the March plenary meeting, the demands on my time make it challenging for me to continue as the acting channel model ad hoc chair.  I openly requested volunteers to assume this position and carry the work of the ad hoc to completion.


Charles Moore has volunteered for this position and I am pleased to appoint him to this role.


I ask that you support Charles and the work of the channel model ad hoc so that we might fill one of final remaining gaps in our draft specification.


I expect that Charles will propose a work plan and a meeting schedule in the coming days.


In addition, for those who were unable to attend the March plenary meeting, we have concluded the work of the signaling ad hoc and no further meetings of the signaling ad hoc are planned.  Thanks again to Mike Altmann and all who actively participated in that ad hoc for a job well done.


Thank you,


Adam Healey

Chair, IEEE P802.3ap Task Force