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[BP] FW: [802.3] 802.3 September Interim Meeting - Nashua NH Hotel Update

IEEE P802.3ap TF Members,

Please see below for additional information regarding hotel
accomodations for the September interim in Nashau, NH.  To summarize:

1.  The room block has been extended to August 17th.  Please make your
reservations as soon as possible.
2.  Please support our meeting hosts by booking at the Nashua Crowne
Plaza.  If you have booked at an alternate hotel, it would be
appreciated if you would change your plans and stay at the Nashau Crowne
Plaza.  Please see below for further explanation.

Thank you,


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Carlson [mailto:scarlson@HSPDESIGN.COM] 
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 12:55 PM
Subject: [802.3] 802.3 September Interim Meeting - Nashua NH Hotel


If you have not booked your room for the September interim meeting,
please do so as soon as possible as the hotel has extended the room
block until Wednesday, August 17th.  I would like to encourage all those
planning to attend the meeting to book into the Nashua Crowne Plaza as
the meeting room costs are being waived based upon the number of hotel
rooms being rented. If you have booked a room at another hotel, please
cancel that room and book into the Crowne Plaza.  Booking into the
Crowne Plaza helps ensure that the costs for the meeting are offset by
the number of room nights, and permits Texas Instruments (our host) to
not require a meeting fee from you.  Your support is greatly

There have been some problems with the hotel reservations system which
should now be corrected. If you cannot book, or cannot get the group
rate, please contact Sue O'Donnell (+1 603 886 1200) at the Crowne

Please support our host and book your room today!

See you in September,


Steven B. Carlson
Executive Secretary, IEEE 802.3 Working Group
High Speed Design, Inc.
11929 NW Old Quarry Road
Portland, OR 97229