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Re: [802.3_NGEPON] Call for agenda - 802.3ca (100G-EPON) consensus building meeting

Curtis, et al.,


I would like to revisit the delimiter announcement, with the specific focus on recording any corner cases and specific scenarios that need to be addressed to make it viable for adoption at the next meeting.


Thank you




From: Curtis Knittle <C.Knittle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 10:45 AM
To: STDS-802-3-NGEPON@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [802.3_NGEPON] Call for agenda - 802.3ca (100G-EPON) consensus building meeting



Dear Colleagues,


We have an 802.3ca consensus-building meeting this Thursday, June 21, 11:30 am MST. Please let me know by 5:00 pm MST Wednesday if you have any contributions for this meeting.







Curtis Knittle

VP Wired Technologies – R&D


desk: +1-303-661-3851

mobile: +1-303-589-6869



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