We have a meeting tomorrow, planned agenda is
Title |
Presenter(s) |
Affiliation |
Time (mins) |
Start |
End |
begin |
0:05 |
2:00 PM |
2:05 PM |
Start and Administrivia |
Peter Jones |
Cisco |
0:05 |
2:05 PM |
2:10 PM |
Chair's Comments |
David Lewis |
Lumentum |
0:05 |
2:10 PM |
2:15 PM |
D1.0 status and review of received comments |
Kohichi Tamura |
Oclaro |
0:30 |
2:15 PM |
2:45 PM |
Plan for Next Meeting |
David Lewis |
Lumentum |
0:10 |
2:45 PM |
2:55 PM |
Total |
0:55 |
Peter Jones
802.3cc 25GSMF Task Force Ad Hoc Chair
From: Peter Jones (petejone)
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2016 6:58 PM
To: 802. 3 25GSMF <STDS-802-3-25GSMF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: 802.3cc 25GSMF AdHoc Meeting Series - -reminder and agenda ping for Wednesday
We have an AdHoc scheduled for Wednesday, September 07, 2016 2:00 PM-3:30 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Meeting details below.
Please let me know by Tuesday End of Day (Monday is Labor Day in the USA) if you want to present this week. This may also be a good time to discuss anything anyone has found in reading D1.0.
Peter Jones
802.3cc 25GSMF Task Force Ad Hoc Chair
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