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Dear Task Force Participants, With this e-mail, I'd like to announce the start of the IEEE P802.3cc/D2.0 25 Gb/s Ethernet over Single-Mode Fiber Working Group initial ballot. Open date: Tuesday 29th November 2016 Close date: Wednesday 28th December 2016 23:59 AOE As stated in the attached announcement, the ballot group for this draft is the IEEE 802.3 voting membership as of Friday 11th November 2016. All comments received before the close of ballot will be considered, the one limitation however
is that if you are not a member of the balloting group, and therefore cannot cast a ballot, you cannot designate comments as TR or ER since you cannot cast a Disapprove ballot. Best regards, David Lewis Chair, IEEE P802.3cc 25 Gb/s Ethernet over Single-Mode Fiber Task Force ----- Dear Colleagues, This is the announcement of the electronic IEEE 802.3 Working Group initial ballot on the Amendment IEEE P802.3cc 25 Gb/s Ethernet over Single-Mode Fiber. Remember that voting, as well as attendance, is a requirement to maintain your
IEEE 802.3 member (voter) status <>. Instructions for accessing the draft, casting your ballot and submitting comments follow this announcement. Please review
the commenting instructions below to ensure you are using the most up to date tools. The ballot group for this draft is the IEEE 802.3 voting membership as of Friday 11th November 2016. BALLOT SCOPE: As a Working Group initial ballot, the scope of the ballot is the complete IEEE P802.3cc draft. CRITERIA FOR STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT: One of the responsibilities as a balloter is to ensure that draft is consistent with the criteria for standards development (CSD) responses which are available at <>.
An Approve vote indicates your agreement that the draft is consistent with the CSD responses. BALLOT OPEN: Tuesday 29th November 2016 BALLOT CLOSE: Wednesday 28th December 2016 23:59 AOE The Project Authorization Request for this Amendment is available at <> and includes the following: TITLE: Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Physical Layer and Management Parameters for Serial 25 Gb/s Ethernet Operation Over Single-Mode Fiber SCOPE OF PROJECT: The scope of this project is to add point-to-point single-mode fiber Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) options for serial 25 Gb/s operation at reaches greater than 100 m by specifying additions to, and appropriate modifications of, IEEE
Std 802.3. NEED FOR THE PROJECT: The project is needed to provide multiple system operators and telecommunications operators with an IEEE 802.3 25 Gb/s Ethernet serial interconnect solution at reaches greater than 100 meters using single-mode fiber (SMF) for application
areas including enterprise campus, carrier metro and other similar areas. Thank you for your participation in this ballot and careful review of the draft. David Law Chair, IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group Phone: +44 1631 563729 Email: david_law@xxxxxxxx
David Lewis Chair, IEEE P802.3cc 25 Gb/s Ethernet over Single-Mode Fiber Task Force Phone: +1 408 546 5448 Email: david.lewis@xxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS FOR BALLOTING ON: IEEE P802.3cc draft D2.0 Instructions for accessing the ballot documents, casting your ballot and submitting comments follow. HOW TO ACCESS THE DRAFT The draft is posted for your review for balloting purposes only, and neither the draft nor access information should be copied or redistributed to others in violation of document copyrights. The IEEE P802.3cc 25 Gb/s Ethernet over Single-Mode Fiber draft D2.0 may be downloaded from: URL: <> Username: [IEEE 802.3 or IEEE P802.3cc username] Password: [IEEE 802.3 or IEEE P802.3cc password] This document is posted in Adobe "pdf" document format and can be downloaded and printed if desired. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, it may be downloaded for free downloading from Adobe from: <> HOW TO CAST YOUR BALLOT To assure your ballot is counted, please: 1) Send your ballot to:
stds-802-3-ballot@xxxxxxxx 2) Paste the following line into the subject field: IEEE P802.3cc 25 Gb/s Ethernet over Single-Mode Fiber D2.0 ballot This can be done with this link <mailto:stds-802-3-ballot@xxxxxxxx?subject=IEEE%20P802.3cc%2025%20Gb/s%20Ethernet%20over%20Single-Mode%20Fiber%20D2.0%20ballot> 3) Paste into the message body and complete the ballot form below: -----CUT AND PASTE TEXT BELOW THIS LINE ONLY PLEASE-------- IEEE P802.3cc 25 Gb/s Ethernet over Single-Mode Fiber D2.0 ballot Your Name:___________________________ ___ APPROVE ALL WITHOUT COMMENT ___ APPROVE ALL WITH COMMENTS on SOME (All comments are non-binding) ___ DISAPPROVE (Some or all comments are binding; a voter must submit specific comments for remedy) ___ ABSTAIN, Lack of Expertise ___ ABSTAIN, Lack of Time -----------------------end ballot form-------------------- HOW TO SUBMIT COMMENTS Acceptable comment types: E = Editorial ER = Editorial Required (a binding comment that is part of a DISAPPROVE vote, therefore only appropriate for an IEEE 802.3 voting member) T = Technical TR = Technical Required (a binding comment that is part of a DISAPPROVE vote, therefore
only appropriate for an IEEE 802.3 voting member) 1. Prepare your comments in one of the following three ways. You are STRONGLY REQUESTED to use either the comment tool or spreadsheet. A comment entry tutorial is available at:
a. Access the comment tool at the URL (last updated 16th September 2015): <> To use the tool, extract all components into a folder and do not move any component from that folder as this will cause the executable to not work correctly. The tool is: Comment_Tool_Generic_Solution.exe b. Access the comment spreadsheet at the URL: <> c. To submit comments in text (ASCII) form, please use the form below. This will make it possible for the editor to properly record and track all submissions. Make as many copies of the template as necessary and submit as an ASCII text
file or as part of your e-mail. PLEASE NOTE: The ASCII method involves a manual transcription, hence you are recommended to check your comments to ensure accurate transcription when the comment file is made available. Please use one of the comment tools above if possible. ------CUT AND PASTE TEXT BELOW THIS LINE ONLY PLEASE-------- CommentID: (Leave Blank) CommenterName: CommenterEmail: CommenterPhone: CommenterCellPhone: CommenterCompany: Clause: Subclause: Page: Line: CommentType: (E, ER, T, or TR) Comment: CommentEnd: SuggestedRemedy: RemedyEnd: --------------------end comment template------------------ 2. Send your comments to:
stds-802-3-ballot@xxxxxxxx and paste into the subject line: IEEE P802.3cc 25 Gb/s Ethernet over Single-Mode Fiber D2.0 comments This can be done with this link <mailto:stds-802-3-ballot@xxxxxxxx?subject=IEEE%20P802.3cc%2025%20Gb/s%20Ethernet%20over%20Single-Mode%20Fiber%20D2.0%20comments> |