Our task force is scheduled to meet from 9:00AM to 5:00PM on Wednesday March 15th at the Fairmont Hotel, Vancouver, BC. Room assignment is:
Tweedsmuir - Conference Floor, Fairmont
We are currently in our second WG recirculation ballot of D2.2. The main focus of our meeting will be to address any comments received and to prepare a request for moving to sponsor ballot. We can also hear presentations about any concerns that may be
raised during sponsor ballot.
If you would like to make a presentation during the task force meeting, I will need your request by this Thursday March 2
nd at 6:00PM PDT. Your request should include a title, and
approximate presentation time required including Q&A.
Requests for presentation time shall be made to me at david.lewis@xxxxxxxxxxxx
and must be made by Thursday, March 2nd. The presenter
shall then e-mail a PDF, soft-copy by the following Tuesday
(March 7th, 2017 5:00 PM Pacific Time).
I look forward to seeing everyone in Vancouver!
David Lewis
P802.3cc 25 Gb/s Ethernet over Single Mode Fiber Task Force Chair