[802.3_YANG] 802.3 cf draft timeline re YANG doctor review
Hi Yan, all,
One consideration that I would like to bring up in the discussion on the
draft timeline would be a "YANG doctors" review of the models that we
are producing.
For those that don't know, the YANG doctors are a group of folks in IETF
that cross review YANG models picking up on any issues before they get
published. More details on:
Mahesh is a YANG doctor, so it may be that is sufficient and that we
don't want/need a formal separate review. Alternatively, we may wish to
ask the YANG doctors if they are willing to assign someone completely
independent for a fresh pair of eyes. This might be worth a short
discussion on Monday if there is time.
But my main point is that if we do want a formal review from a YANG
doctor then we should decide when would be the best time in our
schedule, and also to ask them early on if they would be willing to do this.