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[802.3_YANG] Contingent teleconference on August 14th is cancelled

Dear colleagues,

As announced in David Law's email, we have no comments on D2.3, so the call on August 14th is canceled. 
Thank you very much~

Best Regards,


发件人: Law, David [mailto:dlaw@xxxxxxx] 
发送时间: 2018年8月13日 6:27
收件人: STDS-802-3-DIALOG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
主题: [802.3_DIALOG] IEEE P802.3.2 (IEEE 802.3cf) YANG Data Model Definitions 3rd IEEE 802.3 Working Group recirculation ballot results

Dear Colleagues,

The 3rd IEEE 802.3 Working Group recirculation ballot on the Revision IEEE P802.3.2 (IEEE 802.3cf) YANG Data Model Definitions closed successfully on 3rd August 2018. The ballot exceeded the required 75% for consensus to approve the draft.

No comments were received so the 14th August 2018 IEEE P802.3.2 (IEEE 802.3cf) contingent teleconference Task Force interim meeting is cancelled. The project will now proceed to Sponsor ballot.

The ballot statistics are:

 216 Voters
  97 Approve
   9 Disapprove 
  37 Abstain
 143 Ballots returned

 66% Response Rate (> 50% required)
 25% Abstain Rate (< 30% required)
 91% Approval Rate (>= 75% required)

Thank you to all that participated in this ballot. 

David Law
Chair, IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group

Yan Zhuang
Chair, IEEE P802.3.2 (IEEE 802.3cf) YANG Data Model Definitions Task Force

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