YANGsters Weekly Telephone Conference Date/Time: 2020-05-19 (week 21) – (During IEEE 802.1 eInterim) 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. (Eastern Time) Participants:- Stephan Kehrer (Hirschmann Automation and Control, Inc.)
- Scott Mansfield (Telefon AB LM Ericsson)
- Don Fedyk (LabN Consulting, L.L.C.)
- Glenn Parsons (Ericsson AB)
- János Farkas (Ericsson)
- Jessy Rouyer (Nokia)
- Johannes Specht (University of Duisburg/Essen)
- Marc Holness (Ciena)
- Marina Gutierrez (TTTech)
- Mark Ellison (Independent)
- Kenichi Maruhashi (NEC)
- Nader Zein (NEC Europe)
- Paul Congdon (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.)
- Ramesh Sivakolundu (Cisco Systems, Inc.)
- Razvan Petre (Spirent)
- Robert Wilton (Cisco)
- William Zhao (Siemens AG)
- Xinyuan Wang (Huawei)
Topics:- At the beginning of the meeting the YANGsters Chair presented:
- Agenda bash
- Update on Hot Issues
- Active
- Press Release Discussion
- The YANGsters chair has received the press release on IEEE Std 802.1Qcp that was written but not published.
- The release was updated and rewritten into a new draft for a press release on the YANG work of 802.1.
- The draft was presented by the YANGsters chair and discussed by YANGsters and can be found in yangsters-smansfield-802-press-release-request-0520-v01.pdf.
- In the next step the draft needs to be discussed and reviewed by IEEE staff to get it prepared for publication.
- The publication is targeted at the release date of IEEE P802.1Qcx.
- IEEE P802f Update
- Information on this topic can be found in 802f-mansfield-open-issues-0420-v06.pdf
- IEEE P802f needs to handle two problems:
- Ethertypes creation, maintenance and modifications
- Ethertypes YANG module creation
- Validation of the Ethertypes registry needs to be separated from the creation of the YANG module(s) in order to proceed.
- Suggested activities that need to be done by the RAC (needs to be discussed with the RAC)
- Add new columns to the Ethertypes registry
- Provide a mechanism to alert subscribers when the Ethertypes registry changes
- Validation and approval of the entries in the Ethertypes registry by the RAC is required.
- Activities within the P802f project:
- Specify the process related to generating the Ethertypes YANG file whenever a notification is received that the Ethertypes registry has been updated.
- Define the YANG structure and provide guidance for creating subsets of the information found in the Ethertypes registry.
- The next steps for going forward where discussed by the 802.1 chair and YANGsters. The next official step is to do a motion to allow the start of task group balloting.
- Continue Maintenance/Guidelines Discussion
- See: http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2019/maint-specht-yang-comments-0919-v01.pdf
- Issue #10:
- Johannes Specht gave an overview over item #10 in the presentation.
- Sub-item a) some leafs (e.g. static-entries, dynamic-entries, …) provide redundant information because the associated list-nodes already provide the number of entries. It needs to be determined on a case-by-case basis if this needs to be corrected or if the separate objects are required.
- Sub-item b) IEEE Std 802.1Q-2018 states in the normative text, that there is a single FDB object per bridge. In the YANG file this is modeled differently in that there can be one FDB object per bridge component.
- This results in a discrepancy between the normative text and the YANG model. It needs to be discussed and determined if the text of the standard needs to be updated or the YANG model needs to be corrected.
- Next steps: discuss in maintenance to determine if the statements in 12.7.1 of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2018 needs to be corrected or if the YANG model needs to be aligned with the standards text.
- Issue #11:
- Sub-item a) decisions on what to do need to be made on a case-by-case basis.
- Sub-item b) the permanent database object only contains a table for filtering entries but not for VLAN registration entries in the UML model in Figure 48-4 of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2018. This seems to be in conflict with a statement in
- The item needs to be looked at a bit more closely and a maintenance item needs to be introduced for it.
- The rest of the discussion (starting at item #11) was postponed to the next YANGsters call.
- Any Other Business
Next Call: Tuesday 26 May 2020 (week 22) https://ieee802.my.webex.com/ieee802.my/j.php?MTID=m66fb3a893cd4110871a550cb5831a7a4 Meeting number: 795 139 311 Password: gPZhmrZc528 - Preamble (5 mins)
- Hot Issues Updates (10 mins max)
- Continue Maintenance/Guidelines Discussion (45 minutes)
- AoB
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