Re: [802.3_YANG] MAC Address usage in 802.3 YANG
- To: STDS-802-3-YANG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [802.3_YANG] MAC Address usage in 802.3 YANG
- From: "Law, David" <dlaw@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2020 10:55:38 +0000
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- Reply-to: "Law, David" <dlaw@xxxxxxx>
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- Thread-topic: MAC Address usage in 802.3 YANG
Hi Scott,
Thank you for making me aware of this issue. From the IEEE 802.3 perspective, it seems that we need to change the reference in the IEEE Std 802.3.2-2019 ieee802-ethernet-link-oam.yang module from IETF:yang:mac-address to IEEE:ieee:mac-address to achieve consistency within IEEE 802.3. Let me know if you agree with this approach, if you do I could start that process through the submission of an IEEE 802.3 maintenance request.
This, however, won't address the broader issue of the differences between IEEE 802 and the IETF. Perhaps this is an item for the IEEE 802 IETF standing committee meeting to address.
Best regards,
From: Scott Mansfield [mailto:00000ed5b91c6518-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 01 July 2020 19:02
To: STDS-802-3-YANG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [802.3_YANG] MAC Address usage in 802.3 YANG
YANGsters has been talking about an issue related to MAC Address definition in the IETF and IEEE YANG files.
Looking at IEEE 802.3.2-2019, the module uses yang:mac-address from IETF 6991 ietf-yang-types module as the datatype for mac addresses instead of ieee:mac-address from ieee802-types module.
The yang:mac-address definition uses a format that is not same as the ieee:mac-address. The canonical forms differ:
IEEE: ieee:mac-address has a canonical form of: "-" as the separator and upper case letters for the hex digits.
IETF: yang:mac-address has a canonical form of: ":" as the separator and lower case letters for the hex digits.
Within the descriptions used in IEEE 802.3-2018 Annex 31B.1 (for example), the format used is upper case letters and "-" (or the IEEE definition). So the YANG doesn't match the Standard.
Consistency between the formats used in YANG and the descriptive text would aid clarity. Alignment between the 802 and 802.3.2 would is desired.
The discussion in YANGsters has also been about what to do about the fact that the IETF definition and canonical form for mac-address is different than the IEEE definition. YANGsters in the discussion felt it best to coordinate with 802.3 to get your perspective on alignment within the IEEE and then discuss the IETF issue next.
If you need further information here is a pointer to some material presented on a YANGsters call:
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