YANG issues related to IEC/IEEE 608002 work
- To: "Steindl, Guenter" <guenter.steindl@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Dorr, Josef" <josef.dorr@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "ludwig.winkel@xxxxxxxxx" <ludwig.winkel@xxxxxxxxx>, Paul Congdon <paul.congdon@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Holness, Marc (mholness@xxxxxxxxx)" <mholness@xxxxxxxxx>, Janos Farkas <Janos.Farkas@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Stephan Kehrer <stephan.kehrer.committees@xxxxxxxxx>, Glenn Parsons <glenn.parsons@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: YANG issues related to IEC/IEEE 608002 work
- From: Scott Mansfield <00000ed5b91c6518-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2021 18:27:27 +0000
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- Thread-topic: YANG issues related to IEC/IEEE 608002 work
Guenter and Josef,
Thanks for your email with questions related to YANG and the work of IEC/IEEE 60802. I have included several people on this mail and included the 802.1 YANGsters list and the 802.3 YANG lists in case I missed anyone.
Please let me know if I properly capture the issues.
LLDP Extension missing:
There is a MIB module called LLDP-EXT-DOT3-MIB that has no counterpart YANG file currently being defined.
There were several LLDP EXT YANG modules created as part of P802.1Qcz. The current P802.1ABcu work provides the hooks necessary to define to LLDP EXT YANG modules (that is what Qcz) used. Looking at description in LLDP-EXT-DOT3-MIB, that mib was published as part of 802.1AB-2009 in Annex F.6.5. Looking at IEEE Std 802.1AB-2016 there is a note that states Annex F was moved to Clause 79 of IEEE Std 802.3-2012. That clause still exists in IEEE Std 802.3-2018. The IEEE Std 802.3.2-2019 could not have created the YANG for Clause 79 because the P802.1ABcu work wasn't mature enough in 2019.
Bottom line: There is a missing YANG file needed to implement the functionality found in Clause 79 of IEEE Std 802.3-2018 that uses the LLDP extension hooks found in P802.1ABcu. There are modules in P802.1Qcz (based on material from Annex D of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2018) that could serve as examples for the missing module.
Question to leaders: Who does this work? Is it a 802.1 maintenance item, something for P802.1Qcz, something for 802.3, or a new PAR in either 802.1 or 802.3?
RSTP/MSTP configuration:
Parameters for the configuration of spanning tree in the 802.1Q bridge YANG appears to be missing. From what can be found in the published YANG and the draft yang there is only a partial implementation of MSTP in the bridge YANG.
Here is more information from Josef:
In the MIBs:
a. The IEEE8021-SPANNING-TREE-MIB defines RSTP parameters per BridgeComponent and Port (e.g. Priority, PathCost);
This MIB is also used in MSTP (SpanningTreeVersion = mstp) for the building of the INTERNAL-SPANNING-TREE (MSTID=0).
b. The IEEE8021-MSTP-MIB defines MSTP parameters (e.g. BridgePriority) for all other Spanning Tree Instances (MSTIDs 1..4094)
In the Bridge YANG:
a. The ieee802-dot1q-bridge module includes vid-to-fid and fid-to-mstid tables to support the mapping of VIDs to MSTIDs, but no spanning tree parameters comparable to the RSTP-/MSTP-MIBs.
Bottom Line: The questions are: 1) Is the understanding correct, 2) If there is only a partial implementation for the spanning tree parameters, was that intentional?, 3) Are there other modules that are to be used?
Question to leaders: If there is indeed work that needs to be completed, is this a maintenance item or would a new PAR be needed.
Many thanks to Josef and Guenter for their observations. I will add these the agenda for the next YANGsters call so we can track the responses and find a way forward.
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