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[802.3_DWDM] Reminder - Request for Presentation Time - Thurs Ad hoc Call

Title: Reminder - Request for Presentation Time - Thurs Ad hoc Call


Reminder of the common webex time for Task Force ad hoc calls for both IEEE P802.3cn and IEEE P802.3ct task forces.

Requests for presentation time must be made by Monday (AoE) prior to the meeting call of the Thursday that week.  Presentations need to be submitted by Wednesday 5pm ET.   The agenda for each week's call will be announced prior to the call.  If there are no requests, the call will be cancelled.

Requests shall be submitted by sending an email to the chair. The presenter shall provide the following information:

·       Indicate Task Force presentation will address – P802.3cn or P802.3ct

·       Name of presenter

·       Title of presentation

·       Length of time requested (this should include time for questions and answers)

·       Brief description of topic

Please see the following link for details on procedures for presenters -

Please note i will be reviewing the calendar and will deleting future ad hoc times that overlap with future IEEE meetings where the Task Forces will be meeting.


John D’Ambrosia

Chair, IEEE P802.3cn Task Force

Chair, IEEE P802.3ct Task Force

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