As the duration of the COM ad hoc meeting is very short (30 mins!), we will need to be diligent and efficient in the use of the scheduled meeting time.
Most of the (short) meeting time will be dedicated to code review and Q&A. Use of the P802.3dj electrical email reflector for discussion/consideration/etc is strongly encouraged.
The ad hoc will identify, collect, verify, and fix COM code-related issues stemming from 3dj TF implemented features and functions, including code architecture and sub-routine functions. (As an example, the COM ad hoc is not the forum
to discuss/debate a proposed number of RXFFE taps for COM spreadsheets; however, it is a forum to discuss if the number of RXFFE taps parameter in the COM code reads the value from the spreadsheet correctly.)
The prioritized focus for the COM ad hoc will be (highest to lowest):
- RXFFE + 1DFE framework and MMSE optimization
- floating RXFFE taps
- MLSE U1.c
All teleconference meeting participants are to review the following documents prior to participation in an IEEE 802.3 meeting teleconference:
- IEEE SA patent policy
- IEEE SA Copyright Policy
- IEEE SA Participation Policy and Code of Ethics
COM Ad hoc Chair, IEEE P802.3dj Task Force