The proposed agenda for the 18 February 2024 COM ad hoc meeting is as follows:
- IEEE SA Patent Policy
- IEEE SA Participation Policy
- IEEE SA Copyright Policy
- “Commit request 4p7_5: DER_DFE Equation in the “MLSE_U1_c_178A” function of the COM Matlab Code”, Hossein Shakiba
- “Commit request 4p7_6: Re-evaluation of DER_MLSE in COM”, Hossein Shakiba
Note the short duration. Most of the (short) meeting time will be dedicated to code review and Q&A. Use of the electrical email reflector is strongly encouraged.
I want to remind all teleconference meeting participants to review the following documents prior to participation in an IEEE 802.3 meeting teleconference:
- IEEE SA patent policy
- IEEE SA Copyright Policy
- IEEE SA Participation Policy and Code of Ethics