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[802.3_25GAUTO_POF] Notice of 802.3dh May interim meeting

Dear 802.3dh members,


I regret to tell you that I cannot attend the May interim meeting due to my health problem.

And I am sorry that the notice of May interim meeting is delayed.


802.3dh Interim will be held from 9AM (CDT, UTC-5) on Wednesday, May 17th. (Please check 802.3 meeting calendar)

Mr. David Law will be kind enough to be a chair on behalf of me.


For your reference, the meeting link is as follows:


Meeting number (access code): 2337 910 3153

Meeting password: 33J2hfDQQMN


I have not received any request of contribution for May interim. And I am not ready to present the responses to action items.  The main agenda of next meeting will be review of minutes of March Plenary.

I have posted the minute in 802.3dh web site, and please review it in advance.


The link to the minutes:




Thank you very much for your help.


I am sorry for the delay caused by my health problem.  I hope I will recover by next plenary meeting.


Best regards,




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