[802.3EEESG] Broad Market Potential ad-hoc
Bruce Nordman has volunteered to run an ad-hoc to produce the broad
market potential criterion. As you may recall, Bill Woodruff put
together a spreadsheet on the fly to come up with a rough estimate of
the potential savings for EEE-enabled devices world-wide in 2010. I
think that is a great starting point. Bruce mentioned to me that the
number used in the CFI presentation may be somewhat high and the number
in Bill's spreadsheet may be on the low side, so there is work to be
done to improve the accuracy. This group will produce the critter and
valuable data for use in the tutorial, which will likely happen in
July. If you are interested in participating in the ad-hoc group,
please contact Bruce at bnordman@lbl.gov.
Michael J. Bennett
Chair, IEEE 802.3 Energy Efficient Ethernet Study Group