[802.3AZ] P802.3az next steps
Dear P802.3az Task Force,
After reviewing the schedule presented at the January interim
and exploring several aggressive scheduling options, I believe our best
shot at meeting the September completion deadline is to seek approval to
go to sponsor ballot at the March meeting.
In order to go to sponsor ballot, the WG ballot process must converge.
If there are no substantive changes to be made or any new valid
disapprove comments to be recirculated, we will ask for unconditional
approval. Otherwise, we may have the option to ask for a conditional
approval and conduct recirculations as necessary.
If the process does not converge in this time frame, a number of
scheduling challenges that could lead to December approval instead
of September may arise.
Best regards,
Michael J. Bennett
Chair, IEEE P802.3az, Energy Efficient Ethernet Task Force
Tel. +1 510 486 7913