[802.3AZ] Maintenance Start Time and IEEE P802.3az Recess Time to Allow EEE Members to Attend Maint
There are three new maintenance requests that were received for this
meeting all having to do with 10GBASE-T. Wael and I talked about this
and our plan is to meet with the Maintenance Task Force at 2PM Monday
and deal with those requests between 2PM and 3:30PM. The P802.3az Task
Force will be in recess during that time, allowing the flexibility to go
for a later lunch after the morning session, then to get back to comment
resolution later in the afternoon.
Michael J. Bennett
Chair, IEEE P802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet Task Force
Phone: +1 510.486.7913
Fax: +1 510.486.7000
Email: mjbennett@xxxxxxxx