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RE: [EFM] EFM Requirements


I appreciate the invite to participate in the process.
I was able to attended the EFM meeting in Portland last month as the meeting
located in my neck of the woods. I gave a presentation on the needs of my
It can be retrieved from the 802.3 EFM public area at:

As I recall, you were also at this meeting.  Vladimir also may remember my
presentation.  He asked many of the same questions we have heard here, i.e.
why do I need a any solution from the EFM, etc.

I left the meeting feeling as though my message did not get through.  From
you comments, I believe that my perceptions were accurate.  

I have done my best to communicate the needs of my marketplace to this
standards body.  I would like to continue the dialogue, by I feel that we
have reached the point of diminishing return.  I've seen some great dialogue
from others, over the last week, with similar views of provisioning
for DSL futures.

I wish the group success and appreciate the opportunity to express my
views as a service provider.  I need to return to managing projects 
as the summer wanes, and there are DSLAMs to build.


Frank Miller