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Re: [EFM] Network timing, ATM, ADSL/VDSL and EFM

> It is also inexpensive.  A  T!/E1 CSU today costs less that what a GbE SMF
> PCI card does.  If it had the commodity market that 10/100Mb Ethernet does,
> it would probably have much the same pricing, or lower.

I have to question this expense argument.  You're saying that a 1.5Mbps
copper T1 device costs less then a 1Gps fiber/optical component.  Fine,
but I'm not sure why that's compelling.  If we tried to make that same
device run 650 times faster and use optical components as a GbE SMF,
would that price comparison would hold up?  I don't have any hard data
to pull out, but I'm guessing it wouldn't.  

- Matt