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[EFM] RE: Problem With Draft

Seeing that Tom sent this to both reflectors, I thought I should respond to
both.  My apologies to those in EFM.

As for the last four pages, I was able to print them without issue.  Have
you tried printing just the last four pages?  Considering the file is about
6 MB, your printer may not have enough memory to print the complete document
and you may need to print in two batches.

As for the submitting a TR, Bob Grow is correct, right now I don't find much
humour in it.


Brad Booth
IEEE P802.3ae Editor-in-Chief
bradley.booth@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:bradley.booth@xxxxxxxxx>  

		-----Original Message-----
		From:	Thomas Dineen [mailto:tdineen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
		Sent:	Thursday, May 02, 2002 8:06 PM
		To:	bradley.booth@xxxxxxxxx; bob.grow@xxxxxxxxx;
		Subject:	Problem With Draft


		   I have found a small problem with your latest draft
		P802_3ae_D5p0_full.pdf. The last four pages of the PDF
		do not seem to be printable from Adobe Acrobat/WIN 2000/PC
		The pages are view able and intact as seen from acrobat,
		just not printable? Shall I put in a TR?????

		Thomas Dineen