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[EFM] Minutes of PON Optics Conference call of 17th Oct

Hello All, 

First off, I apologise for the confusion which arose in the setting
up of this call. I am also working on a bridge in America.  Things can only
get better...




Frank Effenberger
Lior Khermosh
Tom Murphy


*	ITU will send a liaison to EFM next week detailing the latest values
for GPON 
This includes the optical power levels, laser on/off times and receiver
recovery times etc.
*	Some discussion of the possibility of using testing procedures from
FSAN in EFM. ITU does not define 
tests for timing issues, these would have to be developed by the group from
scratch - no easy task!
*	Discussion of maximum allowable TD in PON.  A value of 1.5 to 3 msec
arising from an ITU study
was presented.  This is contained in the document  - Some high-level initial
operator requirements for 
Gigabit-per-second Passive Optical Networks (GPONs). This is available at
the private EFM site
*	Brief discussion of timing in FSAN. Comment that the timing
parameters were so chosen as it was felt in  the PMD
group that longer times would not bring cost savings - not exclusively for
reasons of efficiency.
*	The preamble in FSAN is not specified, hence can be defined as 1010
which is more efficient for locking
	in burst mode recovery than the proposed I2 of EFM.
*	The group will try and channel Clause 58 comments through this
ad-hoc so that they can be addressed more
effectively at the meeting

Action Items

*	Frank Effenberger to prepare presentation detailing suggested
changes to power level
*	FE to gently prod PMD vendors for input on timing issues
questionnaire.  This goes for others as well
*	All to study the ITU communication to see what impact this can have
on Clause 58

Next Meeting

Probably next Friday, 25th Oct as Frank cannot make a call
on Thursday.  I will send details at the start of next week.

