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RE: [EFM] Forward from Glen Kramer

Have we then come to 
Protocol Agnostic Integrated Network
- or -
Combined Resource Access Platforms (as we all know, outside of the standards guys, everyone else is gonna say "I don't know how all this CRAx works" or "That's some neat CRAx you guys invented." so we may as well have the appropriate acronym...)

So much for a moment of humor and now returning to the battles...

-----Original Message-----
From: Behrooz Rezvani []
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 12:34 PM
To: Egan John (IFNA COM);
Subject: Re: [EFM] Forward from Glen Kramer

how about if we make the following modificaitons

Ethernet Global Access Network or --- "EGAN"


Alternatively it could also be said
Integrated Kopper Access Network --- "IKAN"


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 8:56 AM
Subject: RE: [EFM] Forward from Glen Kramer

> Guys,
> OK.
> I believe the XAN idea looks good and sounds OK, if pronounced like ZAN.
However, this may not speak so well to our whole Marketing effort as well as
technical effort, as the name being easy on people will help its acceptance,
etc. I also think I have seen XAN used elsewhere, but cannot recall.
> This all stated... can we consider to go with EAN (pronounced Ian, say)
that is Ethernet Access Network... which is exactly what we have. This rolls
off the tongue well, it says what it says and is, and it gets us moving
toward the hugely successful marketing effort that comes next.
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Amir Leshem []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 8:39 AM
> To: Howard Frazier;
> Subject: RE: [EFM] Forward from Glen Kramer
> Howard and all
> How about XAN -  for eXtended/eXtrernal/xDSL  Area Network
> Best regards
> Amir
> =================================
> Dr.  Amir Leshem
> Director, Advanced Technologies
> Metalink Broadband Access
> Yakum Business Park, Yakum
> 60972, Israel
> and
> Senior Lecturer,  School of Engineering,
> Bar-Ilan University, 52900, Ramat-Gan, Israel
> Phone: +972-9-9605333
> Fax (Metalink):     +972-9-9605544
> Fax (Bar-Ilan):       +972-3-5340697
> e-mail:
> Personal web:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Howard Frazier []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 9:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: [EFM] Forward from Glen Kramer
> Scott,
> This is a good question and it goes beyond the copper track.
> The 802 group is known as "LAN/MAN Standards Committee".
> Yet 802.3ah defines a network which is neither LAN nor
> MAN...  The name we choose will be used not only in our
> standard, but will find its way into marketing and research
> literature.
> Traditionally networks were classified by their geographical
> span: Local Area Networks (LANs), Metropolitan Area Networks
> (MANs), or Wide Area Networks (WANs).  Following this
> ideology, we would call our network something like
> "Neighborhood Area Network" (NAN).
> Alternatively we may emphasize the network purpose and call
> it "Access Network" or "$ub$criber Access Network".  In my
> opinion "Access Network" is not descriptive enough, and as
> you mentioned the abbreviation for "$ub$criber Access
> Network" clashes with "Storage Area Networks".
> The name "Storage Area Network" makes very little sense as
> it combines purpose (storage) and area. Surprisingly, the
> name caught on. By this analogy we may call our network
> "Access Area Network (AAN)" or "$ub$criber Access Area
> Network (SAAN)".
> Are there any other suggestions?
> Long live the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN/SAAN(?) Standards Committee!
> Cheers,
> Glen