[EFM] Meeting reminder
Dear Members of the IEEE 802.3ah EFM Task Force,
Please do not forget to register for our upcoming meeting
in Ottawa on June 24th-25th. Please see the meeting
announcement at:
The agenda for the meeting will include resolution of comments
submitted against IEEE P802.3ah/D1.732, including the selection
of the modulation technique (line code) for the Short Reach
Copper PHY.
I anticipate that each of our sub task forces will have important
work to do at this meeting as we take our last crack at IEEE P802.3ah
before asking the IEEE 802.3 Working Group to initiate a working
group ballot on the draft. Please remember to register before
the June 18th deadline to avoid paying an additional fee for late
Howard Frazier
Chair, IEEE 802.3ah EFM Task Force