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[EFM] Demonstration of Technical Feasibility

Dear Members of the IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD Working Group
and the IEEE 802.3ah EFM Task Force,

In accordance with the decision of the EFM Task Force
taken at our recently concluded meeting in Ottawa,
and pursuant to the operating rules of the working
group, draft D1.9 of IEEE P802.3ah will be distributed
to the members of the working group for preview no
later than Monday, 14-July. We intend to ask the working
group to initiate a working group ballot on IEEE
Draft P802.3ah during the closing plenary meeting
on Thursday afternoon, 24-July.

In support of this request, I am coordinating a
demonstration of the technical feasibility of key
elements described in our draft. This demonstration
will feature components and systems that implement
the specifications and technologies introduced in
EFM. All participants in the working group will be
invited to observe this demonstration.

Note that this is not intended to be a commercial
event.  It will not be a "trade show". It will
not be used to solicit business, or to pitch products.

The Ethernet in the First Mile Alliance has graciously
agreed to host this demonstration, and participation
is open to all interested parties. I am arranging
a location for the demonstration that will be
convenient for everyone who is attending the July
IEEE 802 LMSC Plenary meeting. The demonstration will
be conducted from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm on Monday, 21-July.

If you are interested in participating by demonstrating
components or systems that implement the technologies and
specifications described in IEEE Draft P802.3ah, please
reply to me directly. I will act as the technical coordinator
for the demonstration. Your response is required no
later than Monday, 7-July.

Howard Frazier
Chair, IEEE 802.3ah EFM Task Force