[802.3_DIALOG] Additional IEEE 802.3 documents for July business
Dear Colleagues,
Since I sent the my last email on this subject we have received an additional four liaison letters as follows.
Best regards,
Liaison letters
ITU-T SG9 to IEEE 802.3 on the second generation HiNoC
Letter: <http://ieee802.org/3/minutes/jul15/incoming/ITU_SG9-LS114_to_IEEE_802d3.pdf>
Attachment: <http://ieee802.org/3/private/liaison_docs/itu/ITU_SG9-LS-114_to_IEEE_802d3_att1.pdf>
ITU-T SG15 to IEEE 802.3 on ITU-T SG15 OTNT standardization work plan
Letter: <http://ieee802.org/3/minutes/jul15/incoming/ITU_SG15-LS-258_to_IEEE_802d3.pdf>
Attachment: <http://ieee802.org/3/private/liaison_docs/itu/ITU_SG15-LS-258_Att1_433P.pdf>
ITU-T SG15 to IEEE 802.3 on ITU-T SG15 ANT standards overview and work plan
Letter: <http://ieee802.org/3/minutes/jul15/incoming/ITU_SG15-LS-279_to_IEEE_802d3.pdf>
ITU-T SG15 to IEEE 802.3 on ITU-T SG15 HNT standards overview and work plan
Letter: <http://ieee802.org/3/minutes/jul15/incoming/ITU_SG15-LS-280_to_IEEE_802d3.pdf>