Dear Colleagues,
IEEE 802.3 will hold its March 2025 plenary session from Monday 10 March 2025 through Thursday 13 March 2025. The plenary session will be held at the Hilton Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA with support for mixed-mode attendance (i.e., remote attendance). Please
note that the meetings are being planned around an in-person schedule, with remote access provided on a best-effort basis.
The IEEE 802.3 Working Group opening plenary meeting will begin at 10h15 EDT on Monday 10 March 2025, and the IEEE 802.3 Working Group closing plenary meeting will begin at 13h15 EDT on Thursday 13 March 2025. I will provide the IEEE 802.3 Working Group
opening and closing plenary meeting call information and calendar invitations shortly. IEEE 802.3 Subgroup meetings will be scheduled between the IEEE 802.3 Working Group opening and closing plenary meetings. Please always check <>
for the most up-to-date information.
The draft agendas, as well as liaison letters received so far, are available in the minutes area <> and
will be updated as required before the meeting. The agenda will be approved at the meeting. Several Working Group decisions are expected during the IEEE 802.3 meetings (most during the Thursday Closing plenary meetings). Depending on the amount of discussion,
IEEE 802.3 WG meetings may run beyond their target ending times, so please plan your time accordingly.
Subclause 4.1 'Attendance at Meetings' of the IEEE 802 LMSC Working Group Policies and Procedures says that 'A participant shall attend at least 75% of a meeting slot's duration ...' and satisfy any registration requirements to gain 'Credited Attendance'
at that meeting slot. It then goes on to say that 'A participant that has Credited Attendance in at least 75% of the meeting slots in a Session has Session Attendance Credit for that Session.'. A participant requires Session Attendance Credit at two of the
last four plenary sessions, with the ability to substitute one credited interim session for one plenary session, to gain or retain IEEE 802.3 voting membership.
As has always been our practice, there will only be an opportunity to gain Credited Attendance on Monday during the IEEE 802.3 Working Group opening plenary, one slot, and on Thursday at the IEEE 802.3 Working Group closing plenary meeting, two slots.
This, combined with four slots on Tuesday and Wednesday, will result in a total of eleven meeting slots where there is an opportunity to gain Credited Attendance during the plenary session. A participant will, therefore, have to gain Credited Attendance at
a minimum of nine meeting slots (at least 75% of eleven) to obtain Session Attendance Credit towards gaining or retaining IEEE 802.3 voting membership.
At a high level, this will require attendance at a minimum of any three days out of the four-day March 2025 Plenary Session, but the requirement to gain Credited Attendance at a minimum of 75% of the meeting slots of the Plenary Session can be achieved
in any way a participant chose. This, for example, could be achieved by attending the IEEE 802.3 Working Group opening plenary slot on Monday morning, all four meeting slots on Tuesday, two meeting slots on Wednesday, and then the two IEEE 802.3 Working Group
closing plenary slots on Thursday afternoon.
Any request to retrospectively add attendance in IMAT shall be made to the IEEE 802.3 Recording Secretary within four hours of the end of the respective IMAT meeting slot and accompanied by confirmation of attendance from the respective meeting Chair or
other officer. If you attend a meeting but do not sign in to an IMAT meeting slot for some reason (e.g., you do not attend at least 75% of a meeting slot's duration), it is your responsibility to ensure your attendance is recorded in the respective meeting
minutes by sending an email to the respective meeting chair.
I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta, GA, USA.
David Law
Chair, IEEE 802.3 Working Group
+44 1631 563729
IEEE 802.3 Business
In addition to regular Working Group business, there will be Task Force and Ad Hoc business based on the status below.
Maintenance Task Force
The IEEE 802.3 Maintenance Task Force will not be meeting during the plenary session due to overlapping time commitments of potential attendees. Instead, the IEEE 802.3 Maintenance Task Force plans to meet shortly after the plenary session to maximise
Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair, Mr Adam Healey.
IEEE P802.3da 10 Mb/s Single Pair Multidrop Segments Enhancement Task Force
The IEEE P802.3da Task Force expects to be in comment resolution on comments received on the first Working Group recirculation ballot of IEEE P802.3da draft D3.1 which is planned to close before the meeting.
Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair, Mr Chad Jones.
IEEE P802.3dg 100 Mb/s Long-Reach Single Pair Ethernet Task Force
The IEEE P802.3dg Task Force is working on the selection of a set of baseline proposals to satisfy the project objectives, progressing towards a technically complete draft for Working Group ballot.
Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair, Mr George Zimmerman.
IEEE P802.3dj 200 Gb/s, 400 Gb/s, 800 Gb/s, and 1.6 Tb/s Ethernet Task Force
The IEEE P802.3dj Task Force continues to work towards a technically complete draft for Working Group ballot. The IEEE P802.3dj Task Force expects to be in comment resolution on comments received on the fifth Task Force review of IEEE P802.3dj draft D1.4
which is planned to close before the meeting.
Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair, Mr John D'Ambrosia.
IEEE P802.3dk Greater than 50 Gb/s Bidirectional Optical Access PHYs Task Force
The Task Force review of IEEE P802.3dk draft D1.2 closes on 10 February 2025, with a Task Force meeting to consider the comments received on 19 February 2025. Based on the results of this meeting, the IEEE P802.3dk Task Force is expected to generate a
draft that will be submitted for Working Group preview in preparation for a request to proceed to Working Group ballot.
Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair, Ms Yuanqiu Luo.
IEEE P802.3dm Asymmetrical Electrical Automotive Ethernet Task Force
The IEEE P802.3dm Task Force is working on the selection of a set of baseline proposals to satisfy the project objectives, progressing towards a technically complete draft for Working Group ballot.
Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair, Mr Jon Lewis.
IEEE P802.3.2 (IEEE 802.3.2a) YANG Data Model (Revision) Task Force
The first Standards Association recirculation ballot of IEEE P802.3.2 (IEEE 802.3.2a) draft D3.1 closed on 23 January 2025. A Task Force meeting is planned to consider the six comments received and determine the next steps before the plenary session. As
a result, the IEEE P802.3.2 (IEEE 802.3.2a) Task Force does not plan to meet during the plenary session, although a request for conditional approval the forwarding IEEE P802.3.2 (IEEE 802.3.2a) to RevCom is planned.
Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair, Mr Marek Hajduczenia.
IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Powering Cabling Restrictions Study Group
The IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Powering Cabling Restrictions Study Group has developed and approved the draft IEEE P802.3dp Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Cabling Restrictions for Single Pair Power over Ethernet (SPoE) PAR, as well as supporting CSD and objectives.
The draft PAR, CSD and objectives are pending IEEE 802.3 Working Group approval at this meeting before seeking approval of both the PAR and CSD by the IEEE 802 LMSC. The draft PAR, CSD and objectives can be accessed as follows:
Since the submission deadline for the March 2025 NesCom meeting occurs before the date of the March IEEE 802 LMSC meeting, I have pre-submitted the draft PAR to NesCom on the understanding that any changes to the draft PAR text resulting from the Plenary
review process will be promptly communicated to the NesCom Administrator and should the IEEE 802.3 Working Group or the IEEE 802 LMSC not approve the submission, it will be removed from the NesCom agenda.
Questions about the Study Group can be addressed to the Study Group Chair, Mr Chad Jones.
IEEE 802.3 Pin-Optimized PHY Interface Study Group
The Study Group is planning to meet during the plenary to continue its work on developing a PAR, CSD and objectives for 'Ethernet Media Independent Interfaces (MII) optimized for an exposed interconnect'.
Questions about the Study Group can be addressed to the Study Group Chair, Mr Jason Potterf.
IEEE 802.3 New Ethernet Applications (NEA) Industry Connections Ad Hoc
The IEEE 802.3 New Ethernet Applications (NEA) Industry Connections Ad Hoc is not planning to meet during the plenary session.
Questions about the Ad Hoc can be addressed to the Ad Hoc Chair, Mr Jon Lewis.
IEEE 802.3 Power Distribution Coordinating Committee (PDCC) Ad Hoc
The Ad Hoc will continue its task of reviewing output and building consensus on input for liaison regarding power delivery over cabling cited in IEEE 802.3 standards and projects.
Questions about the Ad Hoc can be addressed to the Ad Hoc Chair, Mr Chad Jones.
Project Authorization Requests (PARs) and Industry Connections Work Item proposals
The following are the PARs from other working groups that have been announced for consideration at the plenary so far. Comments are due by 18h30 PST on Tuesday, 11 March 2025. An IEEE 802.3 PAR Review Ad Hoc will be held before this deadline.
Corrigendum PAR
IEEE P802.15.4-2024 Low-Rate Wireless Networks - Corrigendum 1
PAR modification request
IEEE 802.1AS Timing and Synchronization for Time-Sensitive Applications
IEEE 802 Tutorials
There is one tutorial planned for this plenary session as follows.
Summary: As a preface, SA Open and the governance structures around it have matured significantly since the last open source tutorial given two years ago, and we are about to approve the first Open Source project for an 802 WG. Robby will lead the tutorial
with additional presenters who will contribute segments and add information. Materials will be available afterwards for review, and we will be available to go into details with any interested 802 participants.
Robby Robson
Kent Lusted
Josh Gay, IEEE Open Source Community Manager
Cat Allman
Sarah Womer, IEEE Open Source Committee (OSCom)
Chuck Adams, IEEE Open Source Committee (OSCom) Chair