As stated in the IEEE 802.3 March 2025 plenary session announcement <>, the IEEE 802.3 Maintenance Task Force will not be meeting during the plenary week. This is a continuation of the experiment to hold these meetings as electronic meetings outside of face-to-face meeting weeks to encourage broader participation.
However, there is a maintenance item that we would like to progress during the plenary session.
During the February 2025 electronic meeting of the IEEE 802.3 Maintenance Task Force, it was observed that the change requested in #1473 <> would be best addressed as corrigendum. To that end, Luisma Torres has drafted proposed responses to the major PAR form questions for a new corrigendum PAR. This draft is available at the following link. I thank Luisma for this contribution.
My intent would be to attempt to progress this PAR using the IEEE 802 LMSC "Expedited Review" process for ordinary maintenance items. This process requires us to submit the draft PAR to the IEEE 802 LMSC for consideration "no less than 48 hours in advance of the start of the closing IEEE 802 LMSC meeting". Since the start of the IEEE 802 LMSC meeting is 1 pm EDT on Friday, the deadline is 1 pm EDT on Wednesday. Consideration would be contingent on approval by the IEEE 802.3 Working Group and my intent would be to seek that approval at the IEEE 802.3 Closing plenary meeting on Thursday.
In anticipation of these actions, I wanted to extend an opportunity to review and comment on proposed responses to PAR form questions. Please review the proposed responses and send any comments directly to me no later than Friday, 7 March 2025, AoE (23:59 UTC-12).
I will provide an update on the progress of this proposal at the IEEE 802.3 Opening plenary meeting