[802.3_EPOC] Reminder on upcoming November IEEE 802 Plenary meeting
Dear IEEE P802.3bn Task Force participants,
Just a reminder that on Oct 10th, David Law announced the November 12th through 15th IEEE 802.3 Working Group Plenary meeting on the stds-802-3 email reflector. Please read his forwarded email below if you did not receive the message.
The P802.3bn Task Force will be meeting Tuesday and Wednesday 9a-5p and Thursday 9a-12noon, if needed.
For more information about the plenary please review the IEEE 802.3 Working Group home page at:
and the IEEE 802 plenary meeting notice at:
See everyone in San Antonio!
Yours truly,
Mark Laubach, Chair
IEEE P802.3bn EPoC PHY Task Force
Broadband Communications Group
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From: "Law, David" <dlaw@xxxxxx<mailto:dlaw@xxxxxx>>
Date: October 10, 2012 1:46:12 PM PDT
To: STDS-802-3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:STDS-802-3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [STDS-802-3] November plenary meeting announcement
Reply-To: "Law, David" <dlaw@xxxxxx<mailto:dlaw@xxxxxx>>
TO: IEEE 802.3 Voters, Observers and Liaisons
Dear Colleagues,
IEEE 802.3 will meet Monday 12th November through Thursday 15th November 2012 in San Antonio, TX, USA. All IEEE 802.3 meetings are scheduled for the Grand Hyatt San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA. As always, the IEEE 802 LMSC session announcement, registration and current hotel availability information can be found through the 'Next IEEE 802 Plenary session notice' link on our home web page <www.ieee802.org/3<http://www.ieee802.org/3>>. To receive email updates and reminders for the plenary sessions, subscribe to the stds-802-ALL reflector <http://listserv.ieee.org>.
The opening IEEE 802.3 working group (WG) meeting will begin at 1:00 PM on Monday 12th November, and the IEEE 802.3 WG closing plenary meeting will be 1:00 PM on Thursday 15th November. Task Force (TF) and Study Group (SG) meetings will follow our typical schedule also found on our web site <http://www.ieee802.org/3/plenary.html>. The draft agenda, as well as liaison letters received so far, are available in the minutes area <http://www.ieee802.org/3/minutes/nov12/index.html> and will be updated as required prior to the meeting. The agenda will be approved at the meeting. As usual, TF, SG, standing committee and any appropriate ad hoc meetings will be scheduled between the opening and closing IEEE 802.3 meetings.
We will gather two records of attendance, the attendance tracking tool and attendance books in each meeting. The attendance tool will be the only official record of attendance for building and maintaining WG membership. The meeting attendance books will be used to record the attendance in the minutes for each meeting and it is important that you review these minutes to make sure your attendance is recorded correctly as this will be the backup should there be an issue with the attendance tool.
Attendance credit toward membership requires attendance at three of the four days of the IEEE 802.3 session, independent of how long a particular TF or SG might be meeting. The attendance tracking tool will only allow sign in on Monday at the opening IEEE 802.3 plenary and on Thursday at the closing IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting (not during the Thursday morning meetings). A number of WG decisions are expected during the IEEE 802.3 meetings (most on Thursday during the closing meeting). Depending on the amount of discussion, the Thursday closing meeting may run beyond our target 5:30 PM ending time, so please plan your travel accordingly.
Additional subgroup information follows. Information for contacting Task Force chairs, and archival project information can be found on our web site: <www.ieee802.org/3<http://www.ieee802.org/3>>.
I look forward to seeing you in San Antonio, TX, USA.
David Law
Chair, IEEE 802.3 Working Group
IEEE 802.3 Business (Mon & Thu afternoon)
Working Group Home page: <http://www.ieee802.org/3/index.html>
In addition to regular Working Group business, there will be Task Force and Study Group business based on the status below, as well as a Call for Interest.
Maintenance Task Force (Tue)
Task Force Home page: <http://www.ieee802.org/3/maint/index.html>
The Task Force will be considering new maintenance requests, reviewing the status of outstanding maintenance requests.
Questions about maintenance activities can be addressed to the Maintenance Task Force Chair, Mr Wael William Diab.
IEEE P802.3.1 (IEEE 802.3.1a) Ethernet MIBs revision Task Force (Thu)
Task Force Home page: <http://www.ieee802.org/3/1/index.html>
The IEEE P802.3.1 Task Force is working on developing a revision to the IEEE Std 802.3.1 Ethernet MIBs base standard to update the GDMO and SMIv2 MIB module definitions to reflect the changes from recent IEEE Std 802.3 amendments, IEEE Std 802.3at-2009, IEEE Std 802.3av-2009, IEEE Std 802.3bc-2009, IEEE 802.3az-2010, IEEE Std 802.3ba-2010, IEEE Std 802.3bf-2011, IEEE std 802.3bg-2011 and IEEE Std 802.3bd-2011.
The IEEE P802.3.1 (IEEE 802.3.1a) Task Force is expected to be in comment resolution on comments received on the 2nd Working Group recirculation ballot of IEEE P802.3.1 (IEEE 802.3.1a) draft D1.2 that should close prior to the meeting.
Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair, Mr Howard Frazier.
IEEE P802.3bj 100 Gb/s Backplane and Copper Task Force (Tue-Thu)
Task Force Home page: <http://www.ieee802.org/3/bj/index.html>
This will be the eighth meeting of the IEEE P802.3bj Task Force. The IEEE P802.3bj Task Force will be in comment resolution on comments received on the 3rd Task Force review of IEEE P802.3bj draft D1.2 that will close prior to the meeting, progressing towards a technically complete draft for working group ballot.
Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair, Mr. John D'Ambrosia.
IEEE P802.3bk Extended EPON Task Force (Tue-Thu)
Task Force Home page: <http://www.ieee802.org/3/bk/index.html>
This will be the fourth meeting of the IEEE P802.3bk Task Force. The IEEE P802.3bk Task Force will be in comment resolution on comments received on the 3rd Task Force review of IEEE P802.3bk draft D1.2 that will close prior to the meeting.
The IEEE P802.3bk draft D1.2 will also be submitted for Working Group preview in preparation for a request to proceed to Working Group ballot.
Questions about the Study Group can be addressed to the Study Group Chair, Mr Marek Hajduczenia.
IEEE P802.3bm 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s Fiber Optic Task Force (Tue-Thu)
Task Force Home page: <http://www.ieee802.org/3/bm/index.html>
This will be the second meeting of the IEEE P802.3bm 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s Operation Over Fiber Optic Cables Task Force. The IEEE P802.3bm Task Force continues to work on selection of a set of baseline proposals to satisfy the project objectives.
Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair,
Mr Dan Dove.
IEEE P802.3bn EPON Protocol over Coax (EPoC) Task Force (Tue-Thu)
Task Force Home page: <http://www.ieee802.org/3/bn/index.html>
This will be the second meeting of the IEEE P802.3bn EPON Protocol over Coax (EPoC) Task Force. The IEEE P802.3bn Task Force continues to work on selection of a set of baseline proposals to satisfy the project objectives.
Questions about the Task Force can be addressed to the Task Force Chair, Mr Mark Laubach.
IEEE 802.3 Reduced Twisted Pair Gigabit Ethernet Study Group (Tue-Thu)
Study Group Home page: <http://www.ieee802.org/3/RTPGE/index.html>
This will be the fourth meeting of the IEEE 802.3 Reduced Twisted Pair Gigabit Ethernet Study Group. The study group has developed an approved draft PAR, 5C and objectives and will be seeking approval of them by the IEEE 802.3 Working Group, as well as approval of the PAR and 5C by the IEEE 802 Executive committee, at this meeting. The draft PAR, 5C and objectives can be accessed as follows:
Draft PAR <http://ieee802.org/3/RTPGE/P802_3bp_PAR.pdf>
Draft 5C <http://ieee802.org/3/RTPGE/5C_0912.pdf>
Draft Objectives: <http://www.ieee802.org/3/RTPGE/Objectives_0912.pdf>
Questions about the Study Group can be addressed to the Study Group Chair, Mr Steve Carlson.
IEEE 802.3 Next Generation BASE-T Study Group (Tue-Thu)
Study Group Home page: <http://www.ieee802.org/3/NGBASET/index.html>
This will be the second meeting of the IEEE 802.3 Next Generation BASE-T Study Group. The study group was chartered at the July 2012 IEEE 802 plenary meeting and met for the first time during the IEEE 802.3 September interim sessions week. The study group continues to work on developing a PAR, 5C and objectives.
Questions about the Study Group can be addressed to the Study Group Chair, Mr Bill Woodruff.
IEEE 802.3 IC Higher Speed Ethernet Consensus Ad Hoc (Wed evening)
Ad Hoc home page: <http://www.ieee802.org/3/ad_hoc/hse/index.html>
The scope the IEEE 802.3 Industry Connections Higher Speed Ethernet Consensus Ad Hoc is to build consensus related to the next speed of Ethernet for wireline applications, which will be used for the evaluation and possible development of a Call-For-Interest for the next IEEE 802.3 Higher Speed Study Group. This will be the second meeting of the Ad Hoc.
Questions about the Ad Hoc can be addressed to the Ad Hoc Chair, Mr. John D'Ambrosia.
Distinguished minimum latency traffic in a converged traffic environment CFI
CFI page: <http://www.ieee802.org/3/cfi/request_1112_1.html>
The following request for agenda time for a call for interest has been received from Ludwig Winkel.
This CFI request is the result of the joint technical plenary between IEEE 802.3 and IEEE 802.1 in July 2012 (see <http://www.ieee802.org/3/minutes/jul12/0712_joint_802d1_802d3_close_report.pdf#page=5 >).
There is a need for support of distinguished minimum latency traffic in a converged traffic environment. This would help address the requirements in markets such as industrial and automotive control network, where control data is time-sensitive and often requires minimum latency.
This call for interest will assess the interest within IEEE 802.3 to form an IEEE 802.3 study group to develop a PAR & 5 Criteria for support of distinguished minimum latency traffic in a converged traffic environment
The call for interest will take place during the IEEE 802.3 Opening Plenary on the afternoon of Monday 12th November. A call for interest consensus building meeting has been scheduled to occur from 6:00PM to 7:30PM on the evening of Tuesday 13th November. The vote to determine if a Study Group will be formed will take place at the IEEE 802.3 Closing Plenary on the afternoon of Thursday 15th November.
IEEE 802.3 Rules
At present, there are no proposed rules changes.
Project Authorization Requests (PARs)
The following are the PARs from other Working Groups for consideration at the November plenary. Comments are due by 5PM on Tuesday so if there is any interest to review any of these PARs an Ad Hoc will be chartered to generate and submit the comments.
IEEE P802.21.1 - Media Independent Services
PAR: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.21/dcn/12/21-12-0089-03-0000-802-21-1-par.pdf
5C: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.21/dcn/12/21-12-0126-00-0000-proposed-802-21-1-5c.docx
IEEE P802.1ACby - Support by Ethernet over Media Oriented Systems Transport
PAR: http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2012/new-p802-1ACby-draft-par-0912.pdf
5C: http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2012/new-p802-1ACby-draft-5c-0912.pdf
IEEE P802.1Qbz - Enhancements to Bridging of IEEE 802.11
PAR: http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2012/new-p802-1Qbz-draft-par-0912.pdf
5C: http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2012/new-p802-1Qbz-draft-5c-0912.pdf
IEEE P802.1Qca - Path Control and Reservation PAR and 5C
PAR: http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2012/new-p802-1Qca-draft-par-0912-v03.pdf
5C: http://www.ieee802.org/1/files/public/docs2012/new-p802-1Qca-draft-5c-0912-v03.pdf
IEEE P802.11ak - WLAN: Enhancements for Transit Links within Bridged Networks
PAR and 5C: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/12/11-12-1077-04-0glk-glk-draft-par-and-5c.docx
IEEE P802.11aq - WLAN: Pre-Association Discovery
PAR: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/12/11-12-1081-04-0pad-draft-par-proposal.doc
5C: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/12/11-12-1137-04-0pad-draft-5c-proposal.doc
IEEE P802.15q - WPAN: Ultra Low Power
PAR: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.15/dcn/12/15-12-0386-05-004q-ulp-par.pdf
5C: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.15/dcn/12/15-12-0387-05-004q-ulp-5c.docx
IEEE P802.16r - BWA: Small Cell Backhaul (SCB) Applications
PAR and 5C: http://www.ieee802.org/doc.wirelessman.org/16-12-0587-02.docx
IEEE P802.22.1a - WRAN: Advanced beaconing for spectrum sharing with radars, fixed or mobile space to earth stations, RF sensors, mobile, nomadic, transportable systems and other services
PAR: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.22/dcn/12/22-12-0083-04-0001-advanced-beaconing-par.docx
5C: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.22/dcn/12/22-12-0084-04-0001-advanced-beaconing-5c.docx
IEEE 802 Tutorials web page: < http://www.ieee802.org/Tutorials.shtml>
Session #1, Monday 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Deterministic 802 Networking
Session #2, Monday 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Applications of Layer 2 Routing
Session #3, Monday 9:00 PM to 10:30 PM
Session #4 Tuesday 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
An Introduction to IEEE 802.24
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