[STDS-802-3-EPOC] 4 eStraw Polls now active from RF Spectrum ad hoc committee
Dear IEEE P802.3bn EPoC PHY Task Force participants,
Based on some straw polls conducted in this past conference call, the RF Spectrum ad hoc committee has decided to socialize these straw polls to the general Task Force for broader socialization.
Sub-group: RF Spectrum ad hoc committee
All polls close: 2013-06-28 18:00:00 (Friday 6PM, Pacific time, for all questions below)
Reference: http://www.ieee802.org/3/bn/public/adhoc_rfspectrum/adhoc_rfspectrum_minutes_20130625.pdf
Question: Two TDD Frequency Bands
URL: http://ieee802d3bn.inconvenient.net/poll/index.php?poll_id=rfspectrum_15
Question: Lower TDD Band
URL: http://ieee802d3bn.inconvenient.net/poll/index.php?poll_id=rfspectrum_16
Question: Single TDD band support full RF bandwidth
URL: http://ieee802d3bn.inconvenient.net/poll/index.php?poll_id=rfspectrum_17
Question: Two band TDD support
URL: http://ieee802d3bn.inconvenient.net/poll/index.php?poll_id=rfspectrum_18
This is an announcement of a web-based poll to facilitate socialization on the question with the Task Force. The "poll group" is open to all IEEE P802.3bn Task Force email reflector members as well as IEEE 802.3 working group members. Access to this web service requires the same login and password credentials as does the P802.3bn Task Force home page private area. Please do not forward credentials to anyone. Individuals who are a member of the poll group may contact me directly for these credentials. The results of this poll will be automatically tabulated after poll closing and sent to the P802.3bn email reflector. The results will represent an unofficial non-binding summary as an aid to the Task Force consensus building process.
If you experience any problems with the tool, please email me directly.
Yours truly,
Mark Laubach, Chair
IEEE P802.3bn Task Force
Broadband Communications Group
Broadcom Corporation
1351 Redwood Way
Petaluma, CA, 94954
Tel: +1.707.792.9093
Cell: +1.650.996.2219
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