[STDS-802-3-EPOC] Work Item and Socialization conference call this Wednesday, 10AM to 12Noon Pacific
Dear IEEE P802.3bn Task Force Participants,
Our scheduled work item and socialization conference call is this Wednesday at 10AM Pacific.
Agenda items:
1. Ed Boyd: FEC Summary, continued socialization and straw polls
2. Mark Laubach: update on definitions
3. Mark Laubach: update PHY path diagram (discussion if needed)
4. Work item review: Work Items for Beijing, Plenary, March 2014 (markup 2/4/14)<http://www.ieee802.org/3/bn/public/wias/workitems_3bn_01_0214_markup.pdf>
5. Anything else.
If you have any presentations for socialization on the above or other topics, please send them on the reflector by 5PM Pacific tomorrow (Tuesday).
Please be familiar with the IEEE SA Patent Policies at:
WebEx Meeting Number: 920 271 005
To start: https://broadcom.webex.com/broadcom/j.php?J=920271005
Yours truly,
Mark Laubach, Chair
IEEE P802.3bn EPoC PHY Task Force
Broadband Communications Group
Broadcom Corporation
1351 Redwood Way
Petaluma, CA, 94954
Tel: +1.707.792.9093
Cell: +1.650.996.2219
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