[STDS-802-3-EPOC] ePoll results for: Unofficial IEEE P802.3bn Task Force eStraw Poll #phy_2
Online straw poll closed at 2014-02-17 18:00:00 for:
Unofficial IEEE P802.3bn Task Force eStraw Poll #phy_2
Use of K/2 algorithm in upstream FEC Question: (formatted for text):
"Do you think that we should include K/2 for the last code word
block? (Reference: Minutes: Work Item and Socialization conference
call minutes and FEC Summary (rev 01a) )"
Vote type: Single answer selection per voter.
Summary of votes per answer (percent of total):
0) Yes [include K/2] = 0 (0.0%)
1) No [do not include K/2] = 9 (81.8%)
2) Abstain = 1 (9.1%)
3) Too early to decide = 1 (9.1%)
Total votes = 11
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"Full Name",Email,"Voting Member","Vote Date / Time",Answer,Comments
"Ed Boyd",ed.boyd@xxxxxxxxxxxx,Y,"2014-02-12 18:22:33",single::1:::,
"Brian Kinnard",brian.kinnard@xxxxxxxxxxxx,Y,"2014-02-13 09:28:45",single::1:::,
"Michael Peters",mpeters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,Y,"2014-02-13 10:20:31",single::1:::,
"Hesham Elbakoury",hesham.elbakoury@xxxxxxxxxx,Y,"2014-02-13 10:36:49",single::1:::,
"Michel Allard",michel.allard@xxxxxxxxxx,Y,"2014-02-13 10:37:48",single::1:::,
"Steve Shellhammer",sshellha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,Y,"2014-02-13 10:59:15",single::1:::,
"Marek Hajduczenia",marek.hajduczenia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,Y,"2014-02-13 14:29:30",single::1:::,"The advantage of this approach and the need for it was not demonstrated up to date. Yes, we can add it. So we can add 15 other mechanisms. "
"Duane Remein",duane.remein@xxxxxxxxxx,Y,"2014-02-17 07:36:04",single::::3:,"I\'m somewhat neutral on this issue. There have been claims of higher complexity, I would like to see some estimates from both sides on the gains (probably adequately covered) vs the cost (no concrete info yet)"
"Bill Powell",bill.powell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,Y,"2014-02-17 13:38:16",single::1:::,"Unless I\'m missing something, the K/2 algorithm does not seem that it is providing enough SNR improvement for the extra complexity & processing throughput delay."
"Curtis Knittle",c.knittle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx,Y,"2014-02-17 14:39:41",single::1:::,
"Victor Hou",vhoU@xxxxxxxxxxxx,Y,"2014-02-17 14:59:47",single:::2::,
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