[STDS-802-3-EPOC] repeat notice: special interim meeting 16-17 December 2015
Dear IEEE P802.3bn Task Force participants,
As was announced yesterday during the Monday 802.3 working group opening plenary, P802.3bn is planning to hold a special interim meeting on 16-17 December 2015. The venue will be IEEE Headquarters in Piscataway, New Jersey, USA. The purpose of this meeting is to process comment resolution for the comments received against the expected upcoming Draft D2.2 recirculation ballot round.
More details on the meeting will be forthcoming in the near future.
Yours truly,
Mark Laubach, Chair
IEEE P802.3bn EPoC PHY Task Force
Broadband Technology Group
Broadcom Corporation
1351 Redwood Way
Petaluma, CA, 94954
Tel: +1.707.792.9093
Cell: +1.650.996.2219
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