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[STDS-802-3-EPOC] meeting files posted and reminder on meeting times and draft agenda for December's interim meeting

Dear IEEE P802.3bn Task Force participants,

The focus for P802.3bn will be comment resolution on the 74 comments received against recirculation Draft 2.2.   Reminder that our TF is scheduled to meet on Wednesday 16 November 2015, starting at 9AM at the IEEE Operations Center in Piscataway, NJ.  Meeting information has been posted at:   Reminder that any person intending to attend this meeting who has not already provided me with their name and affiliation should do so before this Friday, 12/11/15, AOE.

Our agenda will be opening business, editor's report, comment resolution, and closing motions/ business.   The meeting files and draft agenda are posted on the meeting web page at:

Yours truly,

Mark Laubach, Chair
IEEE P802.3bn EPoC PHY Task Force

Broadband Technology Group
Broadcom Corporation
1351 Redwood Way
Petaluma, CA, 94954
Tel: +1.707.792.9093
Cell: +1.650.996.2219


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