[STDS-802-3-EPOC] requesting P802.3bn Draft 3.2 to be forwarded to RevCom
Dear IEEE P802.3bn Task Force participants,
At the interim meeting on Tuesday, the TF voted to request that the TF
Chair ask the for approval of the 802.3 Working Group to forward P802.3bn
Draft 3.2 to RevCom for approval. This WG consider and motion will take
place as part of the .3bn closing report on the Thursday 802.3 WG closing
plenary at the July 802/802.3 plenary meeting in San Diego.
The Task Force has no need to meet face-to-face at the upcoming 802.3
plenary meeting. The P802.3bn Task Force will complete its mission with
the 802.3 WG forwarding the draft, and the affirmation of RevCom and IEEE
SA approving the draft for publication as a standard. The pre-submittal
deadline is August 5th. The IEEE SA and RevCom review and decision will be
made later in September. NOTE: If any feedback from RevCom requires the
Task Force to meet face-to-face again, we’ll likely look at the September
802.3 interim meeting or a special interim meeting, dependent on timing.
I would like to thank everyone who has participated in moving our Task
Force work to this significant step. I especially would like to thank
those that have continued to meet and those that have continued to review
and comment during our ballot cycles.
Stay tuned, there are still a few more process steps to complete.
Yours truly,
Mark Laubach, Chair
IEEE P802.3bn EPoc PHY Task Force
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