Perhaps the reason people don't believe what is clear to you is because
their exposure to the implementation space is different then yours. I
see data center applications often and I have yet to have an end user
tell me they require more then 100m MMF. I can't vote on what is clear
to you because I have not seen it, heard it, or been asked for it.
The cost you believe to be in the noise for the electronics is
something others in the optics companies say is not true. I have yet
to see the same cost comparison data that went into 4km/10km/40km
comparisons. So therefore, I can not support adding any cost to to an
implementation space covering 10% to 15% of an MMF application. It
doesn't pencil out.
As for adding another objective ... is it really worth the industry
effort to add an objective that covers this small of a space? I think
not ... but that is my humble opinion based on my exposure to data
centers, transport, enterprise, and HPC implementations.
take care
Swanson, Steven E wrote:
Please clarify what is confusing
in the survey data - I think it is very clear and would be glad to help
further the understanding, if possible.
I have to clarify again the
following points:
1. No one is arguing that 100m
will not adequately cover HPC applications; the issue is with data
center applications, where 100m will not. Our datacenter customers have
said this over and over again. Do you think that 40/100G is only needed
for HPC applications? Please re-read Jonathan Jew's e-mail from earlier
today - He has designed and installed many datacenters and is the
United State's lead expert into ISO/IEC JTC1 SC25 on Data Center
standards. I don't know why folks don't believe what seems to be
crystal clear to me.
2. There is no cost difference
in fiber for an extended link length - we can get extended distances
with OM3 with any of the extended reach proposals on the table. Some
customers may want to deploy OM4 to get even longer distances but it is
not an absolute requirement to extend distance. I believe the modest
cost difference in electronics at the module level is in the noise for
40/100G optics.
Best regards,
I'm a bit confused to the survey data provided by Petar, Paul, and
I don't see the data the way Paul implies it in his email, nor in
Steve's. But I do follow Petar's. Petar's data implies that X length
of 100meters accounts for Y amount of total From a cost perspective,
developing a 100m MMF solution with no CDR, low power, and reasonable
margins gives a great product for more then 85% of the solution space.
Paul's data supports that up to about 90%
So ....why do we want to penalize the 85% to 90% adopters that do not
need or plan to use more then 100m MMF? There appears to be a cost
difference between 100m MMF PMD and 150 to 200m MMF PMD. The
difference being cost of electronics plus cost of fiber ... OM4 as
indicated. I have yet to see a cost analysis that would justify us
increasing the cost to address less then 10% of the implementation
space. It makes no sense.
Leave the fiber objective as is and allow industry the time to analyze
cost vs distance objectives in the 2011 time frame. The data should
show what Paul's data indicates ... there is not enough implementation
space to justify the cost increase of the optics module for all
adopters of MMF. The cost needs to be added only to that
implementation space that requires it. Which, I believe is what Petar
was indicating.
Paul Kolesar wrote:
thanks for furthering the
discussion. Your views make sense to me.
I'd like to examine the super
computer cabling distance distribution that Petar shared with us
yesterday in a bit more detail. I've plotted it to allow folks to see
it in graphical form.

This data has several features
that are remarkably similar to that of general data center cabling.
1) The distribution is highly
skewed towards the shorter end of the distribution.
2) The distribution has a very
long tail relative to the position of the mode, the most frequent
length, at 20m.
3) The mode is at a distance that
is one fifth of the maximum length.
The white dot on the graph
represents the coordinate of equivalent coverage relative to the 100m
objective to the data center cabling distribution. Speaking to Steve's
point that questions the correctness of the 100m objective for HPC
environments, I would venture to say that a 25m objective, which is the
roughly equivalent in coverage to the 100m objective we are attempting
to apply to data centers, would not be satisfactory for the HPC
environment, as it would leave a significant portion of the channels
without a low-cost solution.
It is clear that the 100m
objective is a near-perfect match to the needs of HPC. Yet I do not
believe that HPC should be the primary focus of our development. We
must be developing a solution that properly satisfies a much larger
market than this or we are wasting our time. Indeed, given that
latency is a major performance concern for HPC, the vendors of such
machines may prefer to use InfiniBand. This could mean that one of the
primary customers to which we have tuned our present objective will
actually not use Ethernet, but will benefit anyway by driving
InfiniBand to adopt the same 100m PMD specs that 802.3ba defines. This
possibility reinforces my perspective that we need to properly address
a broader set of customers - those that operate in the general data
center environment. It is clear from all of the data and surveys that
remaining only with a 100m solution misses the mark for this broader
market. Continuing under this condition will mean that the more
attractive solution for links longer than 100m in the general data
center will be to deploy link aggregated 10GBASE-SR. Its cost will be
on par and it will reach the distances the customers need in their data
Is this the future you want for
all our efforts, or do you want to face the facts and address the issue
head on with a solution that gives data center customers what they
Next week these decisions will be
placed before the Task Force. I hope we choose wisely.
Paul Kolesar
CommScope Inc.
Enterprise Solutions
1300 East Lookout Drive
Richardson, TX 75082
Phone: 972.792.3155
Fax: 972.792.3111
eMail: pkolesar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I think Paul's suggestion
is a good one; I would like to add some other input (in the form of
questions) from my point of view:
1. Do we have the
right MMF objective (support at least 100m on OM3 fiber)?
My data suggests that we
don't; we have tried to come at this from two different directions,
trying to be as unbiased as possible in assessing the situation. I
presented Corning sales data in November 2006 (see This data showed a need to
support a link length longer than 100m and I recommended that we
support 200m at that time.
We also polled our
customers, offering three options, a low cost, single PMD at 100m on
OM3, a slightly higher cost single PMD at 150-200m on OM3, and a third
option that would specify two PMDs consisting of both option 1 and
option 2. The results were overwhelmingly in favor of Option 2, a
single PMD at longer length. A small number supported Option 3 (2 PMDs)
but NONE supported Option 1. While it is true that many of our
customers have a substantial portion of their link lengths that are
less than 100m, they all have link lengths longer than 100m. One
customer noted that more than half of his data center had link lengths
longer than 100m.
Kolesar presented his
company's sales data in September 2006 (see His data also suggested that
longer link lengths were needed and he recommended 150m at that time.
All the data for
datacenter seems to suggest that 100m is TOO SHORT to cover a
significant portion of the datacenter application.
Pepeljugoski presented new
data yesterday on HPC link lengths that show 85% being less than 20m
and 98% less than 50m. This might suggest that 100m is TOO LONG for HPC
applications.This leads to another question of whether there is any
economic or technical advantage to a shorter MMF objective for HPC?
2. Is there consensus
on supporting a longer reach objective for MMF?
I think there is, others
on the call yesterday did not. I base my opinion on the straw poll
conducted in Munich:
Straw Poll #15: Should we
continue to work on a proposal for an annex to extend the reach of a
40GBASE-SR4 and 100GBASE-SR10 in addition to the
proposal(“pepeljugoski_01_0508.pdf”) as in “jewell_01_0508.pdf”.
Yes: 55
No: 3
3. Could we achieve
75% support for adding a new MMF objective?
I don't know but if we
could not, I would be forced to vote against adopting the current MMF
baseline proposal (which I don't want to do) and I think others may
also. This may or may not lead to an impasse similar to what we
experienced in 802.3ae.
I understand the
concern that adding the objective without a clear consensus on how to
support the new objective could lead to delay but I have found this
committee to be very resourceful in driving to a solution after we have
made a decision to go forward. 40G is one recent example of a situation
where no consensus turned very quickly to consensus.
I think adding a new
objective is the right approach and in the long run will save the task
force valuable development time.
4. Can we agree on
the right assumptions on the 10G model to evaluate the various
Everyone seems to be using
slightly different variations of the model to evaluate the capability
of the proposal; we need to agree on a common approach of analysis.
5. Can we not let the
discussion on OM4 cloud the decision?
We can get extended link
lengths on OM3. By achieving longer lengths on OM3, even longer lengths
will be possible on OM4 with the same specification. What I don't want
people to think is that OM4 is required to get longer lengths.
6. Summary
John D'Ambrosia has
provided advice that if we want to move forward with a new MMF
objective, July is the time to do it - if we delay the decision, it is
guaranteed to delay the overall process. Some might think if we make
the decision, it will delay the overall process but we don't know that
yet. I don't think adding an informative specification on a PMD is the
right way to go - let's get the MMF objective(s) right - we owe it to
ourselves and to our customers. To do anything less is just avoiding
the issue. Let's get the objectives set, get the assumptions correct
and utilize the process set up by Petrilla and Barbieri to drive toward
the hard decisions that we are all very capable of making.
Steve Swanson
From: Paul Kolesar [mailto:PKOLESAR@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 7:19 PM
To: STDS-802-3-HSSG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [802.3BA] XR ad hoc Phone Conference Notice
I'd like to continue your thread with some observations that have
driven me to certain conclusions, and to follow that with a suggestion
about how to parse the approach and drive to a consensus position.
First let's consider what various customers are telling us. The
Corning survey of their customers, which has been presented to the
Ethernet Alliance, the XR ad-hoc, and will be presented next week to
802.3ba, shows that the large majority of customers want a single PMD
solution that can provide 150m on OM3 and 250m on OM4. A minority were
willing to accept a two PMD solution set that delivers the lowest cost
PMD to serve up to 100 m and a second PMD to serve the extended
distances as above. Not a single response indicated a preference for a
solution limited to 100m. We also hear strongly expressed opinions
from various system vendors that a longer distance solution is not
acceptable if it raises cost or power consumption of the currently
adopted 100m PMD. Under these conditions, and given the options
presented and debated within the XR ad-hoc, I believe you are justified
in concluding that a single PMD cannot satisfy all these constraints.
Yet it is clear to me that the market will demand a low-cost PMD that
can support more than 100m to fulfill the distance needs of data
centers. Therefore I conclude that the correct compromise position is
to develop a two-PMD solution. If the committee does not undertake
this development, it is likely that several different proprietary
solutions will be brought to the market, with the net result of higher
overall cost structures.
So let's consider how to choose from among the various proposals for an
extended reach PMD and let the determination of how to document it
within the standard be addressed after that.
I would propose a series of polls at next week's meeting designed to
gauge the preferences of the Task Force. I do not think that any XR
proposal will garner >75% at the outset, so I would propose the use
of Chicago rules wherein members may vote for all the proposals they
find acceptable. From this we can see which of the solutions is least
acceptable. Then through a process of elimination from the bottom, and
repeated application of Chicago rules for the remainder, finally
determine the most acceptable solution.
Depending on the degree of maturity of the specifications or other
considerations for the chosen solution, the Task Force will be better
able to determine how it should be handled within the standard. For
example, a proposal with a maturity on par with the adopted baseline
could be put forth under a new objective without undue concern of
becoming a drag on the timeline, while a proposal of lesser maturity
could be placed in an annex without an additional objective.
Paul Kolesar
CommScope Inc.
Enterprise Solutions
1300 East Lookout Drive
Richardson, TX 75082
Phone: 972.792.3155
Fax: 972.792.3111
eMail: pkolesar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
here is my *personal* read of the situation in the XR ad hoc:
a) I think there could be consensus on supporting XR, as long as we
pick a solution that does not impact the cost structure of the 100m
PMD. Because of that I also don't feel a single PMD is realistic at
this point.
a) The trouble however is that there is no consensus (>75%) on any
of the technical proposals. No one proposal has a clear lead over the
Of the three options you list below, I think adding an objective for a
ribbon XR PMD could have a major impact on the project schedule,
because it seems we are nowhere near technical consensus. We could drag
the discussion for several TF meetings...I am not sure delaying the
project over this specific topic is worth it.
We can always resort to non-standard solutions to fulfill market
requirements we can't address within IEEE, or come back in the future
with another CFI.
At the end of the conference call earlier today I requested that we get
together after hours next week to see if we can accelerate consensus
All the data is on the table now, so if we don't show any material
progress, I am not sure we should extend this ad hoc.
From: Matt Traverso [mailto:matt.traverso@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 10:07 AM
To: STDS-802-3-HSSG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [802.3BA] XR ad hoc Phone Conference Notice
I feel that we are coming to a situation similar to the impasse at 40G
vs. 100G where different participants call different segments of the
networking industry their customer.
For MMF, I'd like to see an optimized solution at 100m per all of the
work that has been done.
I'd like to understand if folks feel that a different status for the
extended reach
a) Informative
b) Normative
c) New objective
would significantly alter the technically proposed solution from the Ad
Hoc. Opinions?
The case of slow market/industry transition from LX4 to LRM is one of
the reasons why I would like to see the industry adopt 40G serial from
the launch. The slow adoption of LRM has primarily been limited by end
customer knowledge of the solution. 40G serial technology is available.
Hi Gourgen,
Some numbers might
help clarify what close to 0 means.
For 2008,
Lightcounting gives a shipment number of approximately 30,000 for
10GE-LRM (and for 10GE-LX4 it's about 60,000.) So close to 0 would
apply if we were rounding to the nearest 100K. As an aside, 10GE-LRM
supports 220m of MMF, not 300m.
300m of OM3 is
supported by 10GE-SR, which Lightcounting gives as approximately
400,000 in 2008, so that would be close to 0 if we rounding to the
nearest 1M.
Another interesting
sideline in looking at these numbers is that 2 years after the 10GE-LRM
standard was adopted in 2006, despite the huge investment being made in
10GE-LRM development, and despite very little new investment being made
in 10GE-LX4, the 10GE CWDM equivalent (i.e. 10GE-LX4, 4x3G) is chugging
along at 2x the volume of the 10GE Serial solution that was adopted to
replace it.
This should put some
dim on hopes that very low cost 40GE Serial technology can be developed
from scratch in two years and ship in volume when the 40GE standard is
adopted in 2010.
From: Gourgen Oganessyan
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 8:02 PM
To: STDS-802-3-HSSG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [802.3BA] XR ad hoc Phone Conference Notice
Well, sadly that's
what has been happening in the 10G world, people are forced to amortize
the cost of 300m reach (LRM), while in reality the number of people who
need 300m is close to 0.
That's why I am
strongly in support of your approach of keeping the 100m objective as
primary goal.
Frank, OM4 can add
as much cost as it wants to, the beauty is the added cost goes directly
where it's needed, which is the longer links. Alternatives force higher
cost/higher power consumption on all ports regardless of whether it's
needed there or not.
Gourgen Oganessyan
(630)-802-0574 (cell)
e-mail: gourgen@xxxxxxxxxxx
From: Petar Pepeljugoski
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 7:51 PM
To: STDS-802-3-HSSG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [802.3BA] XR ad hoc Phone Conference Notice
If I interpret correctly, you are saying that all users should amortize
the cost of very few who need extended reach.
We need to be careful how we proceed here - we should not repeat the
mistakes of the past if we want successful standard.
Petar Pepeljugoski
IBM Research
P.O.Box 218 (mail)
1101 Kitchawan Road, Rte. 134 (shipping)
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
e-mail: petarp@xxxxxxxxxx
phone: (914)-945-3761
fax: (914)-945-4134
Hi Jeff;
Thanks for your comment. You missed one critical point that there is
cost increase from OM3 to OM4. If you take ribbon cable cost in
perspective, OM4 option is possibly the largest of the 4 options.
Besides, the use of OM4 requires to tighten TX specs which impact TX
yield, so you are actually compromising the primary goal.
From: Jeff Maki [mailto:jmaki@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 7:02 PM
To: STDS-802-3-HSSG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [802.3BA] XR ad hoc Phone Conference Notice
Dear MMF XR Ad Hoc Committee Members,
I believe our current objective of "at least 100 meters on OM3 MMF"
should remain as a primary goal, the baseline. Support for any form of
extended reach should be considered only if it does not compromise this
primary goal. A single PMD for all reach objectives is indeed a good
starting premise; however, it should not be paramount. In the
following lists are factors, enhancements, or approaches I would like
to put forward as acceptable and not acceptable for obtaining extended
Not Acceptable:
1. Cost increase for the baseline PMD (optic) in order to obtain
greater than 100-meter reach
2. EDC on the system/host board in any case
3. CDR on the system/host board as part of the baseline solution
4. EDC in the baseline PMD (optic)
5. CDR in the baseline PMD (optic)
1. Use of OM4 fiber
2. Process maturity that yields longer reach with no cost increase
In summary, we should not burden the baseline solution with cost
increases to meet the needs of an extended-reach solution.
Jeffery Maki
Jeffery J. Maki, Ph.D.
Principal Optical Engineer
Juniper Networks, Inc.
1194 North Mathilda Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1206
Voice +1-408-936-8575
FAX +1-408-936-3025