To support the current schedule for IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj) Maintenance #12 (Revision), a contingent interim teleconference meeting has been scheduled for 26 April 2018. This is in addition to the meeting previously announced for 6 April 2018. Meeting information may be found at the following link.
The agenda is to consider and resolve comments against a possible IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj) D3.3 Sponsor recirculation ballot.
Please note that this interim teleconference is contingent, and may be cancelled if the D3.3 recirculation ballot is not required or if no comments are received during the D3.3 recirculation ballot.
Best regards,
Adam Healey
Chair, IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj) Maintenance #12 (Revision) Task Force
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