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Re: [8023-POEP] Classification Ad Hoc Continued!!!

Hi Clay,



My comments to your proposal:


1. Why to define 15K as a solution. It may be better to define "invalid signature" which is R<15k OR R>33K.

2. Your solution request to be in non valid signature even if the spike was 1 picoseconds. And the PD saw class even for just very short time. So do we want to show invalid detection for just very short time? How it affect cost, complexity.

3. Your solution force specific implementation as was mentioned in July meeting. I thought that we prefer to let the vendor make the design tricks to overcome this issue.




I would like us also to discuss the following topics:


1. Imark current limit value. I am suggesting to change it to 100mA.

2. To delete the text that requires to measure both Icalss_lim and Imark_lim to the requirement of checking Iclass_lim only (during the measurement of I class).


I guess that we will have support for it and we could also propose a motion to address it as well.


3rd topic that I would like to discuss is



From: Clay Stanford []
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 3:47 AM
Subject: Classification Ad Hoc Continued!!!


Hello All,
The Classification Ad Hoc meetings will continue for the next two Wednesdays until the next IEEE meeting.

Topics to discuss include

  • Need for R not=25K during Mark (See attachment)
  • Relaxing time limit for 2nd Mark Event (explanation to follow)

The meetings are limited to 1 hour and commence at:
12am Tokyo
 8am Los Angeles
11am New York
 4pm London
***Note that the call-in number is not consistent!!!!****
The meeting ID is always 80238023.
Call-In information is appended.
 Date                            Time                                  Dial-in Number
Wed, Aug 29          8:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time    1-785-686-2400

Wed, Sept 05         8:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time    1-785-686-2400