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[8023-POEP] Presentations and agenda



I need everyone who wants a spot on the agenda to please ensure you have sent me or the reflector a copy of the material you will presenting in Seoul.  I will also need to know approximately how long you feel is required to present your material.  This is necessary to create and agenda that is accurate for the meeting.


At the close of the last meeting I forced us to comply with our meeting rules.  I have received feedback, both negative and positive on that process.  I will say that from my point of view we did not spend a lot of time Thursday morning on those matters on which we had no agreement.  To that end, I will be putting an item on the agenda to decide what are appropriate limits to debate that we can use to ensure that we progress rather than getting “wrapped around the axle” and not deciding anything.  Please think over what you feel are reasonable limits and be prepared to discuss them so that we can get to the meat of our meeting quickly.







Michael McCormack

Business Development Manager, Power over Ethernet Products
Texas Instruments, Power Interface Products
50 Phillippe Cote St.
Manchester, NH 03101 USA


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