Re: Volunteers needed
there is a bunch of stuff between the supply and the RJ45, so i take it
this should be done at the RJ45, the vendor's data may not reflect the
whole picture.
At 01:09 PM 6/1/01 -0400, Lynch, Brian wrote:
>In light of the current discussion regarding PSE
>output impedance and PD input impedance, I propose that
>we see what kind of data is available to us now, and
>how consistent are the results turn out to be.
>For the PSE closed loop output impedance, would anyone
>volunteer to measure the closed loop output impedance
>of the power supply they use/plan-to-use? If the power
>supply is a purchased item, the manufacturer should be
>able to provide the information.
>I'd also like to see a brief discussion over the appropriate
>range of frequencies.
>It is June already........