RE: [802.3af] My quest for low power PSEs continues
Are we talking only a single port system?
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike_S_McCormack@xxxxxxxx [mailto:Mike_S_McCormack@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 4:00 PM
To: stds-802-3-pwrviamdi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [802.3af] My quest for low power PSEs continues
If we're looking to compromise, between labeling and low wattage, what if
we require all PSEs with less than 15.4W output capacity be labeled, and
test to 15.4W or the labeled limit, which ever is less? This would allow
vendors to pick thier poison:
You don't have to label, but then you have to provide 15.4W, or
You don't have to provide 15.4W, but then you have to label.
Fair trade or not?