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Re: [RE] CE applications (was: RE: [RE] Focus of discussions)

<DC> Comments </DC>

Dirceu Cavendish
NEC Labs America
10080 North Wolfe Road Suite SW3-350
Cupertino, CA 95014
Tel: 408-863-6041 Fax: 408-863-6099

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of John Grant
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 7:11 AM
Subject: Re: [RE] CE applications (was: RE: [RE] Focus of discussions)

At 18:32 30/08/2004 -0500, Gross, Kevin wrote:
>What is DNLA? What is QoE?

Digital Living Network Alliance, formerly Digital Home Working Group
(DHWG); see

Quality of Experience is mentioned a few times in the DLNA documents and
seems to refer to the kind of experience the user has when interacting
with the system. This is, as Richard says, subjective, in contrast with
QoS (Quality of Service) which can be measured objectively.

>Here's my straw-man _minimum_ definition of "works" for consumer
>applications: The system does what the operator asks it to do and
>from anomalies quickly, gracefully and without intervention.

I agreee the second half; I think "does what the operator asks it to do"
needs more elaboration. If I ask to listen to a radio programme, how
much distortion can I tolerate? Some people would regard a sound with
compression artefacts and other distortions, and frequent drop-outs, as
unacceptable; many others wouldn't even notice there was anything wrong.

<DC> I guess anything with less quality than what current CE AV
equipment provides is unacceptable. Am I wrong? Or would we follow the
VoIP trend of replacing high quality voice calls with something of less
quality? Over to CE guys...

>Of course we'd like to aim higher than this _minimum_ and certainly
>need to if we intended to capture commercial and professional

I would certainly like it to be capable of supporting professional sound
quality. And we need to support high-end hi-fi, which needs quality at
least as good as, say, shops and pubs (and better than some of the
cinemas we have around here).

John Grant
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