Re: [RE] Suggested TF Designation
I would certainly vote for 'av'.
Best regards,
Alexei Beliaev
Director of Engineering
Gibson Labs
1293 Mountain View Alviso Road
Suite A
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Gildred" <john@PIONEER-PRA.COM>
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 2:01 PM
Subject: [RE] Suggested TF Designation
>I would like to bring up an interesting topic. If a new TF is created
> for RE, then it would by default take the designation 802.3at. I asked
> Bob Grow if we could request to have the designation 802.3av for
> obvious reasons. He said that in the next interim meeting a member
> would need to make a motion for this, and the SG would need to vote at
> least 75% in favor in order for it to be considered.
> I'd like to know if others in the RESG are in favor of using 802.3av.
> And if so, should we then bring this up in the next interim meeting for
> a vote. Comments welcome.
> -John Gildred
> Vice President of Engineering
> Pioneer Research Center USA
> A Division of Pioneer Electronics
> 101 Metro Drive, Suite 264
> San Jose, California 95110
> (408) 437-1800 Ext. 105
> (408) 437-1717 Fax
> (510) 295-7770 Mobile