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Re: [RE] [REInterestGroup] 802.3 Residental Ethernet PAR: any MSC concerns?

David And All:

Actually your posting dose bring to mind a concern about the Re Par
 Many if not most of the members of the RE Study Group, or at least
a few loud ones, are against the development of a layer 2 Service
Discovery protocol for Re. Favoring instead to use previously developed
proprietary protocols. My concern lies in the concept that such proprietary
protocols will almost certainly not be available to all implementors under
reasonable non discriminatory terms. Leaving the future Re Industry in
something of a patent licensing quagmire. Many have suggested the
existence of layer 3 standard protocols is sufficient, but I disagree.
I believe that we need a clean Layer 2 only architecture to be competitive.
So I advocate the inclusion of an objective probably in the 802.1 Re Par
to specify a Layer 2 Service Discovery Protocol. Further more I would
suggest that both the 802.3 and 802.1 PARs be held, without consideration,
until the issue is resolved.

Thomas Dineen