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[RE] Status report conf call notes

The following people participated in the status conference call today:
David James
Dirceu Cavendish
Alexei Beliaev
Geoffrey Garner
Felix Feng
Jim Haagen-Smit
John Fuller
Dennis Liu
Seong-Soon Joo

1) SG organization within 802 - MJT
Not much progress to report since vacations seem to be popular just now.
However, MJT has received a progress report request from Paul Nikolich, 802
chair ...

2) IEE 1588 coordination - MJT
A preliminary meeting took place on Friday, June 3, at Agilent in Palo Alto
with the 1588 chair, John Eidson. Several other SG participants joined via
conference call. John was supportive of a project to run 1588 at layer 2,
particularly if most of the work was done by people who are not currently
committed to other 1588 projects (they have quite a bit on their plate). He
provided a copy of a tutorial on 1588, but asked that it not be publicly
distributed. (MJT will put this on a private SG area of the IEEE website as
soon as the IEEE web staff sets this up ... in the mean time, if you want a
copy, please send a request *directly* to ... NOT to the
reflector ... warning, this is a 3MB PDF). John will be available for a
question-and-answer session on 1588 at a conference call on Wednesday, June
15, 2PM PDT. Bridge information will be posted later. He will also make a
presentation during the SG meeting in San Francisco.

3) Subscription/admission control interest group report - Felix Feng
Felix and Dave have converged their proposals ... Both are now on the SG
website at


There will be a subscription interest group call tomorrow at 2PM PDT, see
Felix's note.

The next status call will be 2300 PDT, June 14.

         Michael D. Johas Teener ‹
office +1-408-922-7542 cell +1-831-247-9666 fax +1-831-480-5845 - PGP ID 0x3179D202