Re: [RE] Video question
Title: Re: [RE] Video question
Sort of ... DV is both an encoding format and a recording format. Hence “HDV”, which is MPEG-2 encoded on DV tape. In addition, the studios prefer an I-frame-only form of MPEG2/4 since there are fewer generation losses on edits ... at least for MPEG-2, this is quite similar to DV50 ...
Frankly, all this may get more complicated in the near future as the HD wars heat up ... MPEG-2, MPEG-4/AVC (H.264), WM9 ...
On 7/5/05 10:55 AM, "Gross, Kevin" <> wrote:
Thanks Michael for the DV alphanumeric soup. The DV options are interesting but it sounds like the DV format is losing ground to MPEG.
Michael D. Johas Teener —
office +1-408-922-7542 cell +1-831-247-9666 fax +1-831-480-5845 - PGP ID 0x3179D202