Re: [RE] New white paper release
The file StdReBars2005Aug10.pdf seems to not be in your web site. There is
a file dvjReBars2005Aug10.pdf, but it seems
to be corrupted (or is at least not standard pdf). The other file is ok.
----- Original Message -----
From: "David V James" <dvj@ALUM.MIT.EDU>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:40 PM
Subject: [RE] New white paper release
> All,
> I have updated the white papers to account for:
> 1) The addressing options discussed at the
> last Wednesday meeting.
> 2) A rate-paced shaper proposal, that avoids
> by using separate shapers for each distinct
> combination of:
> {source-port, target-port, priority}
> The clean and change-bars versions can be found
> at:
> I assume Michael will copy these to our web page.
> Cheers,