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Re: [RE] ResE vs AV vs .....

Title: Reminder, "Residential Bridges"conf call at 2PM PST today ...

How about we use RB instead of ResE/AV/ResB/... from now on? It reflects the new name we have for this group and also has a more generic meaning.


Raghu Kondapalli <raghu_kondapalli@YAHOO.COM> wrote:

I noticed in the new presentation paper that was uploaded today that the “ResE” name has been replaced at various places with “AV”. Like I was mentioning on the conference call, even though AV may represent the primary applications we are trying to address today, it (IMHO) neither covers all the applications that ResE bridges might handle nor would it represent all the work that is being done in this group. I personally would rather go with ! a more abstract term than a specific one like AV.

I suggest we vote on this during the next interim session and till then we keep the old name of ResE and/or RE in the material we publish as a group (formally or informally).
Rag! hu

Michael Johas Teener <>
The agenda is rather open today. I have posted one file on the REIG yahoo area ( that is a bit incomplete, b! ut is part of the process of getting some of the “client” groups involved ... Particularly UPnP, DLNA, and WiFi ... Since they are all looking at, or are in the process of, defining a QoS/Admission control system.

I’d also like to get a progress report on 1588 layer 2 activity, if possible.

DATE/Time:     November 30, 2005, 02:00 PM America/Los_Angeles
Length:        120 minutes
Meeting ID:    802173
Phone Number:           + 1 949-926-5900
Toll Free (US Only):    + 1 877-827-6232
International Callers:  Access Code + 1 949-926-5900

         Michael D. Johas Teener —
office +1-408-922-7542 cell +1-831-247-9666 fax +1-831-480-5845 - PGP ID 0x3179D202


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